𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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My back hit the flat hard counter as we appeared in front of our siblings, pain was spreading through my body as I screamed. "Five? Eight?" Allison said as she turned to face us. "Y/n are you okay?" Klaus rushed to as he put his hands in my face.

"My foot, my back" I cried as tears fell down my face and klaus tried to wipe them out but they just kept rolling down, my eyes started to feel heavy and then everything went black.


I woke up being carried bridal style by Luther. "Luther.." I whispered as he looked down at me. "Hey y/n, are you feeling better?" He asked me as I got of his arms and sat in the chair next to him. "Yeah I am feeling better now, my foot just hurts a little" I weakly smiled but then I realized we weren't at home. "Where are we?" I asked as I notived the brightly painted walls, bowling balls rolling around the ground and slushies in the tables.

"We are at the bowling alley y/n, you passed out for 2 days." five explained as I turned to face him. My eyes widened as I realized I wasted a two whole days when the end of the world was coming. "What
happened while I was out?" I studdered as I turned to look at the people near me only to see sober klaus, batman dressed up diego and sliced neck allison!

"What happened to you!" I said as I tried to stand up and walk up to allison only to realize I couldn't walk with my foot, she put a hand in front of me and smiled reassuring that she was okay . "Here's what happened," five started as to talk as I took a last glance at allison and turned to look at five.

"When you were passed out we found out that Leonard, Vanyas boyfriend was Harold Jenkins. I found out that Harold was the one who caused the end of the world while I was at commison. Me and Diego went to the police station and got a file of Harold Jenkins only to realized it was Vanyas boyfriend, Allison was with us before but she left to find vanya . We went to his house only to find him dead in the carpet without eye balls. I then put the fake eyeball I had been carying around this whole time in his eye socket only to realize this was the owner of the eye ball. We thought the end of the world was not going to happen so we all went out separete ways, allison went to find vanya, and diego and I went back to the Umbrella Academy." Five explained as I was reliefed that the end of the world was over.

"So the end of the world is not going to happen-?" I asked but was interrupted by five. "I am not done." five said putting a hand in front.

"I was enjoying a margarita in the academy when Hazel came in and told me he wanted to help me save the world and just laughed in his face and told him the end of the world was not going to happen, then diego over here thought Hazel wanted to kill us again so he started to fight him. After all that chaos we found out that Allison was in trouble so we went to were we were told she was at. We found allison with a sliced neck, we brought her to the Umbrella Academy and mom fixed her up." five continued to explained. "But I thought mom was dead" I said starring at five in shock, "she was but when you and me went back in time she wasn't dead because like I said, we jumped back in time" five explained.

"Continuing on, vanya came out of nowhere, it turns that she had powers this hold time but dad found out she was to powerful so he started to give her pills, vanya was told they were anxiety pills so she drank them everyday. It turns out they stole her powers from her. The reason why allisons neck is sliced up it because when they were little dad made Allison rumor Vanya into thinking she was ordinary, Vanya got angry and sliced her neck. Vanya destroyed the Umbrella Academy after helping Allison, she then killed mom... and regretfully Pogo" five said as I gasped as tears were threatining to fall down my eyes.

"Luckly I saved you and got you out of there because these assholes completly forgot that you were passed out. I made luther carry you, we had no where to go so we came to this bowling alley. In conclusion Vanya is the bomb, she ends the world today" Five sighed as she broke our eye contact and put his hands in his face in stress.

"Excuse me but my manager says you have to play if you want to say here" A worker said as she came up to us, "Alright who is going first?" asked luther as I was still processing everything five told me. "I certainly don't want to go" Klaus said as he played with fingers bored out of his mind. "Would you just shut up klaus and go?" Luther yelled at klaus as klaus looked up at him. "You know I liked you a lot better before you got laid" Klaus laughed as he turned back to playing with his fingers.

Allison gasped as she got up and walked away, "Allison! Wait!" Luther called out for her as she left the building. "Dosen't she have a full one child?" I asked them as I was shocked at allison reaction. "Yeah" they are said.

"Excuse me, wouldn't you guys like to play with children their own age? Assuming it is okay with both of your dads" A lady said as she came up to us with an arm around her kid, the kid obviously didn't want to do this. "I would rather eat my own foot" Me and five said in anusion as the face of the woman changed and dragged her kid with her.

Allison and Luther had came back, Allison had tears in her eyes and Luther just patted her back. I was about to ask her if she was okay but then we heard gun shots. "Everybody get down!" five yelled as they all ran to get behind the counter with their hands in top of their heads. "You assholes! I can't walk!" I yelled at them as five ran up to me and grabbed my hand, and spacial jumped us behind the counter.

"What are those guys doing here?" Diego shouted from another counter, "Maybe they are here for Kenny's Birthday!" Klaus yelled as he covered his ears. "They are blocking the exit! We can't leave!" Luther said. "Okay! Here's the plan we run straight into the bowling alley and slide down, it should take us to the back rooms! I'll space jump eight and me there!" five shouted as he grabbed my hand ready to blink into the back rooms.

"1..., 2..., 3!" Diego yelled as they started to run and five spaced jumped us to the back rooms. We all got out of the building safetly and we started to walk down the streets of toronto.

"What are going to do now?" I asked as Luther was piggy back riding me. "We find Vanya." Five sighed as he stopped and turned around to face us all. "Do any of you know where she might be?" five asked as I remebered something Vanya had told me 3 days before. "Vanya had a concert today! She must be there, she is in the Music Opera place thingy." I said as I turned to look at five.

"Alright then, we better get going" Five said as everyone started to jog to the where Vanya's concert was being held in, well everyone was running except for me as I was in the back of Luthers back.


As we got there everyone was already tired, we walked into the lobby which was empty. "Vanya must be playing now, we all have to go in but one of us has to stay here to guard" Five said as he tried to catch his breath. "Klaus you stay here" five said turning to klaus who was panting. "What? Why me?" he said annoyed but then ended up agreeing.

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