Ch. 4

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When they got back to Earth. Pearl once again saw the beauty of it. Even though it was different from what she remembered, it was still precious as her Diamond appreciated the planet.

Pearl followed her Diamond. They stopped at a facility. "Bye, Peridot. See you tomorrow." Her Diamond bid goodbye.

Her Diamond didn't change. Its physical form does but not in changes in treatment of others. Her Diamond was still sweet and caring.

They walked to a nearby portal and warped inside a facility. She then looks around and saw a photo of her Diamond in Rose Quartz form.

"That's my Diamond." Pearl looks very happy seeing an image of her Diamond. Steven just happily listens to her as he do his things before going to bed. And as for the other crystal gems, they went to their rooms thinking about the information they just know.

As Steven do his things, Pearl carefully observe her Diamond. When Steven finished, he then head to bed. Pearl continues to watch her diamond making Steven uncomfortable knowing someone is watching him.

"Umm, you can just sit on the couch or do something else rather than watching me sleep." Steven said and Pearl then do what is ordered to her.

When Pearl left Steven alone, Steven immediately fall asleep.

Many hours passed and Pearl just there inside the temple. Through the whole night she just look at Rose Quartz's image.

In the morning, after Steven does his stuffs. He made his way to the Donut Shop. He didn't notice that Pearl was following him.

"Hey Lars, Hey Sadie." Steven said as he enters the shop. "Hey, Steven. Who's that friend of yours outside." Sadie points out and Steven looked behind and saw Pearl.

"Oh, that's Pearl. We saw her inside a base on the moon. She said that she was standing there for about 5-6,000 years. She also said that I was her Diamond as my mom was Pink Diamond." Steven said uncomfortably.

"That's pretty rough." Sadie said and continues with, "So, what donuts would you want?" Steven looks around, "The usual, please."

Sadie packs the donut then Steven paid and bit his goodbye to Sadie and Lars.

He walked to a nearby bench to each his donuts and as for Pearl, she just follows him and watch him eat.

"I know you are my mom's pearl. So can you tell me who is she, Pink Diamond." Steven said.

"If I was to describe you my Diamond, you are wonderful and loving to your subjects. You appreciate the things around you. I remember the day we warped here to see the available resources on this planet." Pearl said as she looks at the area.

Even though Steven doesn't know anything about his mom and Pink Diamond, he still looks at the brighter side.

When Steven was done eating his donuts, he and Pearl get back to the temple.

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