Ch. 3

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Day goes by, as for Pink Diamond just kept quiet about the Earth. The other Diamonds think that she realize that the colonization is important to the expansion of their precious empire.

Pink Diamond and her Pearl then once visits the moon base to see the status of the Beta kindergarden.

Pink continue her work and when she was finished, "Pearl, I have something to do that is very important. I need to stand very still here and wait for my arrival later." Pink said to her Pearl as she stands up from her chair.

"Yes, my Diamond." Her Pearl was very happy to do anything for her Diamond.

Pearl was then following her order. Standing very still. She was only able to see her Diamond walk away from her and disappear from her sight.

Pearl then saw her Diamond's ship. She only saw it for a second before it vanish immediately.

As for Pink Diamond, she created a rebellion. Pink permanently becomes Rose Quartz and convince gems to fight along with her. War started and continues for a long time. She continue to fight for the life bearing on Earth even though leaving her status behind.

She planned a fake shattering of her as Pink Diamond to end it all but there was a bright light. Rose knew what that was and she was only able to protect some of her friends along her side.

Even though she won. The Diamonds stop the war, but the gems fought along her that she wasn't able to protect with her shield was corrupted. They were scattered and the few crystal gems have to collect them and contain them. They were only few and she wanted her Pearl to help but she never wants to go back.

As for Pearl, she continues to stand all of her own. She didn't care about how long she needed to stay still. She only wanted for her Diamond to be happy for her doing she was ordered.

Days kept passing by. The place slowly changing through times as it wasn't used.

She also been changing as she was felting some tiredness but she doesn't want her Diamond to be disappointed of her.

She lost track of time, not knowing how many days, weeks, months, or years she was standing still. She continues to think that maybe her Diamond was just very busy.

She wanted to see her Diamond again. Even just a bit for her to at least feel recharged to stand again for a long time. She didn't even saw a pink light on the sky through the glass window above.

She wishes everyday for her Diamond to showed up once again. She refused to think she was abandoned. Pearl knows her diamond was sweet and caring.

Pearl wanted to leave but even she wants to, there's no warp pad in her Diamond's moon base for her to easily leave. Its been so long since her Diamond left, and she needs her Diamond just be ready to come back again.

She hope her Diamond to come back. What will she do if her Diamond didn't comeback. She failed to please her Diamond.

As she thought that things, she looks down. This was the only time she ever looked down after the years past waiting for her Diamond.

She felt a little relived to move her body once in a while.

As she was thinking, she heard voices. One of them faintly sounded as her Diamond.

The voices was getting more clearer as they stepped up. As then, Pearl saw the gems.

There was a fusion, an amethyst, a peridot, a bismuth, and an identified creature somehow looks like her Diamond in a Rose Quartz shape shift.

She noticed the small being somehow sounded like her. She heard them talking and looking around.

She wasn't spotted as she was standing in the shadows.

She then saw the small being sat on her Diamond's chair and placed its hand on the Diamond Authority logo to activate.

As then, she knows that her Diamond. She then walks slowly towards the small being, "My diamond, I awaited for your arrival." Pearl was very happy to see her Diamond. She didn't care about her form, she was happy her Diamond was back.

"Are you Pink Diamond's Pearl?" The Peridot asked the Pearl. "Yes that is correct, and that is my Diamond." Pearl pointed the small being.

"Me? No, I am Steven. I am a Rose Quartz not a Diamond." Steven said and showed his gem.

"That is my Diamond's gem. I still remembers it even in its Rose Quartz form." Pearl said with joy remembering her Diamond.

Pearl also showed a hologram of her Diamond shape shifted to a Rose Quartz.

Everyone was shocked as they knew well that gem by its form. It was their Leader.

"Rose Quartz, the leader of the Rebellion was Pink Diamond?!" The Peridot was first never believing it. "My mom?" Steven said looking a bit confused.

The other three crystal gems was angry not knowing they were just following someone's game.

They continued there purpose setting the anger aside and focusing on defeating the cluster.

Pearl stand closed to her Diamond which Steven didn't mind that much.

After knowing the location, Pearl followed her Diamond not wanting to leave her sight again.

"Umm" Steven just said. "Is there anything you need, my Diamond?" Pearl said looking at her Diamond.

"Why are you following me?" Pearl just smiled at her Diamond before answering, "it is my duty to follow you, my Diamond."

Steven looks at her. "How long have you been there?" Steven asks with concern. "Sorry, my Diamond. I lost track of time. I maybe here standing still for about 4,000-5,000 years, my Diamond."

With that, Steven felt guilt leaving her there. "umm guys, can we take her with us?" Steven asks and its a bit awkward for the others. "Sure." Garnet said not looking.

They ride Steven's Pink Lion with now Pearl with them and got home.

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