Ch. 2

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Once they are back on Homeworld, she turns back to her original form as Pink Diamond.

They got back to her room, "I don't want to continue my colonization." Her Pearl was surprised to what her Diamond said but didn't say anything.

Her Diamond continue, " I want to preserve the life bearing on that planet." Her Diamond looks at the window while thinking how she will to convince her other Diamonds to stop the colonization.

Pink Diamond was afraid she will be ignored as she plead to stop.

She first ask Yellow, "Please, Yellow." Pink continue to beg. "First, you wanted a planet and we gave you one for you to colonize. Now, you wanted to stop the colonization?!"

"But the planet bears live and I want to preserve that live living on Earth." Yellow looks at her disappointed. "You have started a fellow emerged gems, why would you want to stop that? You should be colonize this planet to expand our empire." With that Pink left.

She left as she have no hope for Yellow to understand her. She then thought of the other Diamond who sometimes listens to her. Blue Diamond.

"Blue, I don't want to continue the colonization." Pink said. "Why would you stop the colonization?" Blue ask being curious to the reasons she think of again.

"The Earth bears life. It has different kinds of growing plants, animals, and humans. I really appreciate the life on that planet." Pink said hoping her other Diamond would help her.

"How about I ask my finest builders to make you a zoo. We can throw some of your pets there to preserve some of the bearing life for you to see." Blue said.

"No, I don't want that." Pink continues. "You shouldn't stop the colonization, Pink." Blue said with an anger to her tone signalling for Pink to stop.

Days past, Pink was on the moon base. She collected images of the Earth's organic life bearing on it.

She called the Yellow and Blue and showed them the images but that was nothing for the other Diamonds to care about.

After a lot of begging to the other Diamonds, she when straight to White Diamond.

"Hello, Starlight. What are you doing here?" White looks at her making Pink a little uncomfortable.

"White, I know I just started my own colony but I wanted the colonization to stop." Pink said a little nervous.

"Oh starlight. By some lower life forms living on that planet you wanted the colonization to stop. You are a Diamond, this organic life on Earth shouldn't get away. Let your emerged quartz do that for you and the colonization will be completed." White said.

Before Pink could say anything, she was trapped on a white orb and before she knows it, she was on her room.

She felt disappoinment. She was a diamond but her status was nothing to her. She was ignored by her fellow diamonds.

So she created a plan to stop the colonization that no one know it was coming.

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