Ch. 1 - Demise of the Crown

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"Your Highness!" The king's courtier who had come sprinting into Prince Suguru's chambers stopped on his heels and gave a deep bow, completely out of breath. Suguru Geto, who had been busy polishing the blade of his sword while sitting on the edge of his bed, stopped what he was doing and looked up toward the man's flushed face. 

"Yes, what is it?" Suguru insisted when the courtier paused for too long without continuing. He had a bit of an annoyed tone in his voice. His father's personal courtier was well known for ass-kissing, something Suguru had very little patience for. 

The man nervously blushed and gave a hard swallow, being used to waiting for the okay to speak from the king himself. "It's your father, sir," he gulped, still attempting to catch his breath after running from the other side of the castle. "He's unwell. The physician is concerned he may only have hours left. In all honesty, he says he may not last the night."

Completely shocked at the news, Suguru threw his sword down onto his bed and began his own sprint down the hall to the Great Chamber. The courtier tried to steady himself after the prince had ignorantly smacked his shoulder with his own while on his way out. 

Suguru slowed his pace as he approached the large wooden doors to his father's bedroom, gently opening them to find multiple servants tending to different things throughout the room to ensure his comfortability.
The king had been struggling with an awful case of enteric fever. With his age a major factor, the disease was almost certain to claim his life. But it was something Suguru couldn't have prepared himself for either way, especially after having lost his mother the decade prior when he was merely ten years old.

"Father," Suguru rushed to his side with a panicked look on his face. A few female servants carefully switched out a few cool compresses from the king's arms as he wearily looked at his son for what was likely the final time. 

"Suguru," the king reached out his arm with barely any strength. Suguru quickly took his shaking hand and listened carefully.

"I'm here, Dad," his voice was soft as he got down to kneel at the bedside. He put on a strong face for his father despite feeling as if his entire world had been crumbling around him.

"I don't have long," Suguru could barely hear his father as he spoke, squeezing his hand harder to signal him to continue. "I want you to know that your mother and I...we love you with all of our hearts. We know you'll continue on to be the wonderful ruler we've raised you to be," his milky eyes had somewhat of a sparkle to them as he gave his heartfelt goodbye, "and we look forward to watching you raise your own child to be just as strong as we've made you." He gave a passioned, flat-lipped smile and placed his other hand on top of Suguru's, giving a small, enthusiastic shake. 

Suguru loved his parents. They were his world and he was their only child. He grew up spoiled as any child of monarchy would be; though he would say it was a life somehow unfulfilled. The only pain he had ever truly felt was for the death of his mother who had also died of an illness when he was only a boy. And though the words of his passing father warmed his heart, Suguru had lackluster interest in his position as prince regent, and before that, heir apparent.

Suguru had spent the rest of his evening at his father's bedside, ultimately replacing the servants' work - dismissing them all together to tend to his ailing father. The room fell incredibly silent without the bustling help. As the king struggled with his breathing, Suguru shared stories of his childhood as a way to soothe.
The king passed in the middle of the night with little to note. As he took his last breath, his son wordlessly inherited the entire kingdom.

As the weeks passed, and the former king buried next to his loving wife in the royal cemetery, the kingdom fell into what could be considered a period of limbo. With the official coronation about a month away, Suguru's disinterest in his new position meant he gave little to no attention to his subjects. He had yet to assume any of his kingly duties, leaving them mainly to the court - who had little to complain about in that regard. 

Instead of attending to the welfare of his subjects, the new king spent a majority of his time deep within his hobbies - hobbies he shared with the prince of a neighboring, allied kingdom not far from his own country. The pair would happily get together at least twice per year to partake in their favorite activities. 

"You've gotten rusty, Suguru!" The platinum haired prince flashed a pearly white grin toward his sparring partner, the duo atop their horses with blunted blades. "Maybe I should stop by more often!"

"Perhaps, Satoru!" Suguru laughed with glee while taking another jab toward his opponent, the horse he rode jostling a bit as it grew too close to the other. "If it didn't take you nearly a week to get here!"

"Sire!" The infamous courtier shouted from just beyond the small bailey. 

Suguru sighed audibly and rolled his eyes, sheathing his sword and directing his horse toward the stoutly man. "What is it?" He asked holding the same tone of irritation as he always had. 

"The court requests your presence immediately," the courtier shouted back, quickly getting used to the communication style - or lack thereof - of the now King Suguru. 

Suguru rolled his eyes back toward his sparring partner. Satoru gave him an apologetic grin in return and shrugged.

"Go on," he insisted, "your kingdom needs you." 

"Apologies, I'll return," Suguru nodded and rode back toward the stables, but not before shuttering at the words his friend chose - "your kingdom."

"Now then," Suguru burst through the throne room doors, the court subjects seated in their usual spots on either side of the lengthy aisle their seats created, "what is so important that it has to interrupt my training." He continued down the aisle and stood in front of the throne instead of having a seat - something he had yet to do since inheriting the title.

"The masses are growing concerned, Your Majesty," one of the nobles spoke up. "With the growing...problem...and our kingdom's strength, particularly your power, and no one to inherit the kingdom...your subjects are growing concerned regarding the stability of the kingdom."

Suguru blinked hard and continued staring at them. He understood them completely, but the timing was very sudden. He thought he had more time before they'd begin to shove royal standards and practices down his throat. 

"I'm sorry?" He placed his hands on his hips and gave them a confused look. 

"You must wed, sir," the noble repeated nervously, "it is a requirement of your title to prod-"

"I heard you," he quickly interrupted before they could continue. 

"The standard practice when a king is unmarried would be to hold a debutante ball," another noble spoke up, this one with more confidence. 

"A what now?" Suguru was thoroughly confused. The nobles looked at one another, some in whispers from the shock of Suguru not being thoroughly taught in royal procedure. "Enough whispers!" He shouted in a slight whine. 

"It's...a gathering of all eligible young women..." a third noble spoke up, just as nervous as the first. "Noble ladies from within the kingdom and if there are any eligible princesses in neighboring kingdoms..." they trailed off. 

Suguru leaned on his hip and pinched the bridge of his nose. His jaw went taut from the grinding of his teeth. He couldn't hide from this forever.

"Do what you wish," Suguru gave a wave of his hand in dismissal and quickly began storming toward the large double doors. 

"We'll need you to be a part of the planning process, sire!" The more confident noble spoke up with a large smile, completely oblivious to the king's distaste. 

Suguru paid no mind to the extra exclamation, continuing on his way and making a point to grab the doors by their large handles and slam them shut behind him. 

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