Ch. 7 - Soft Evening, New Home

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"You're joking," you snorted and continued your disbelieving expression. 

"I absolutely am not," Suguru leaned back in his chair and folded his arms in front of him. "I want to see the bakery again. I want to see your neighborhood. I want to meet your friends."

"Well, the bakery's a little empty at the moment," you smiled, briefly charmed by how serious he was about getting to know you. He could end up being a good friend, you thought. 

"Right," he nodded and licked his lips awkwardly. "Perhaps you can show me some things in our own kitchens then, when we return."

"Alright," you nodded, "let's do it."

"It's a date then," Suguru smiled warmly. Your jaw tensed with his phrasing. "Or not," he quickly corrected, "whatever you're comfortable with."

You thought for a moment, realizing that if you were stuck here - you might as well not hate it. "It's a date," you nodded with a smirk. 

"Fantastic," Suguru gave a low chuckle and stood, the two of you now both complete with your meals. "Would you mind going on a stroll with me around the castle? Or...can I walk you back to your chambers?"

"A walk would be nice," you nodded again with a softer voice. 

Suguru stood with his shoulders back and a hand out. Something about his facial expression calmed you. Usually you would've swatted his hand away and said some kind of snarky remark about being able to get up on your own, but his sincerity was endearing.
You softly took his hand and he helped you to your feet. From there, he hooked his arm around yours. You were a bit thrown off by that maneuver, but settled into it - hooking your arm around as well, bringing your other hand against his upper arm to keep yourself steady. 

" grew up here..." you muttered as you strolled down one of the large hallways, having been silent most of the tour. Your eyes were back and busy on the walls around you, always amazed at the details. Paintings of former monarchs covered the walls.

"Mhm," he confirmed, following your eyes onto one of the paintings. "This particular hallway leads to the main throne room. "And each one of these guys and gals are my ancestors." He pointed to the paintings lined up perfectly. "All painted by the same family artist, going back generations."

"I guess art runs in their genes," you mumbled. Suguru chuckled at your comment. The two of you stopped in front of one of the last paintings before the large doors to the throne room. 

"My mother's painting," his voice was soft as he stared up at the painting. He looked a lot like her, from the silky black hair to the warm, amber colored eyes. Everything about her was him. 

"You miss her more than your dad, huh?" You hadn't realized how heartless your question sounded seeing as his father had only just passed the month prior. 

"I do," he confirmed literally, not seeming at all hurt by your question. "I loved my dad, too, but...she was there. She raised me, didn't let the attendants touch me." You blushed as you looked at him. He looked at the painting with love in his eyes, you swore you saw some tears blossoming at the corner of his eyes.

You nodded silently and looked back up at the painting. "She's really pretty," you noted. 

"Ha," he laughed softly looked down at you. You peered at him out of the corner of your wide eyes. "Thank you. She was. And I was glued to her hip until..." he trailed off, catching the knot in his throat. 

"Do you have a library?" You tried to change the subject, voice quick and snappy. 

"Huh?" He had totally spaced for a moment, his brain needing to catch up. "Oh, yeah...we do. Follow me." 

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