Ch. 20 - The Most Twisted Curse

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Utterly exhausted from a lack of sleep two nights in a row, you made your way toward the large barricade that sat between you and Satoru's castle. He was your last resort. It was either his help or becoming a solo nomad for the rest of your life.

Despite the sleepiness that ached your entire body, you were thanking your younger self for the adventures you'd gone on while back at your home village. Considering everyone in this kingdom knew your face from the wedding ceremony, you couldn't just walk in as if you weren't a wanted Queen consort.
With as much remaining strength in your body that you could muster, you navigated your way beyond the castle walls. 

Considering your knowledge of Suguru's castle, you could only guess where Satoru's chamber would be. Luckily, that knowledge came in handy and you easily spotted his white crop of hair against the white fabric of his pillow. 

"Satoru," you struggled to get through the window, making sure your voice was loud enough to wake him but not loud enough to be heard by any guards on night duty.

You heard him angrily hum as if your voice was merely a disturbance in his dream, rolling over to face you with his eyes still shut tight. 
You rolled your eyes to yourself and walked to his side. Leaning down and frustratedly grasping his shoulder, you shook him awake - his bright, blue eyes almost too disturbing to look at in the darkness of night.

"Y/N?" He was completely confused by your presence. "What are you doing here?" He quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes in the process, hair flattened out on one side with the rest completely ruffled.

"I need your help," you said with a hint of urgency. "I need to know how to break a seal."

"A seal?" He grumbled and looked up at you, still seated on the edge of his bed. "You know they're looking for you back home."

"Ugh," you scoffed at the obvious, "it's serious, Satoru. Suguru's life is in danger...yours, too. I shouldn't even be here right now..." 

"What are you talking about?" He lightly chuckled as if you were playing some kind of prank.

"I...encountered the sorcerer known as Sukuna..." your mouth went dry with the mention of his name, fear shuttering through your entire body.

Satoru shot up, his six foot frame causing you to step back a bit. "Sukuna? You met him?" He grasped your shoulders, now realizing the urgency.

You nodded. "He...he knows where I am...he could show up at any minute. He wants to find you and Suguru, he wants to take you out."

"Shit," Satoru hissed and began pacing his bedroom. 

"How can I break the seal?" You asked again, following his circles as he pondered what to do next.

"You...really can't. You have to get rid of him," Satoru ran a hand through his hair in complete panic, hand freezing on his forehead as he took a deep breath. "We're going to have to kill him before he can kill us."

"You're kidding," you felt the blood drain from your face. Satoru nodded in agreement to your fear.

"I was hoping we'd have more time to figure things out, but..." he sighed. "It seems like we're going to have to use you as bait."

You paused for a moment. "Ha," you smiled stupidly, "ha, ha, ha!" You didn't find anything funny, but you were in complete disbelief to a point of laughter. "Really?"

"Really," Satoru confirmed sadly.

"So running away is actually my only option after all," you sighed to yourself. 

"You wouldn't be running for long," Satoru's voice was cryptic. "If that's what you want, I won't stop you, but know I have to tell Suguru where you've gone." He stared at you seriously for a moment, waiting to see if you'd respond. "Otherwise, we can work together and do our best to take him out."

"But you might all..." you started but were quickly interrupted.

"Dying together is better than dying alone," Satoru's jaw tensed. You had never seen his usually silly self so serious. You took a few deep breaths, completely blank on how to respond. You wanted help but you didn't want those you cared for to be lost with you. "Do you love him?" Satoru suddenly asked.

"What?" You shook yourself from your thought-filled trance.

"Do you love him?" Satoru asked with emphasis on each word. "Suguru."

You gulped. You knew where you stood, but you had yet to say it to anyone. You trembled as the words began to fall from your lips. "I do."

"Y/N," Satoru spoke with a reassuring tone, "that man loves you more than life itself. I promise if you tell him what's going on he's going to relentlessly fight for you."

"That's what I'm afraid of," your voice trembled as warm tears began to form at the corner of your eyes. 

Satoru's shoulders slumped, realizing the painful decision you were stuck in. "Listen," he continued with his more positive tone. "Between myself and Suguru, Sukuna barely stands a chance. You've got the two strongest sorcerers on this planet on your side. It's going to be difficult, but we can do it."

You nodded as one of your tears left its duct and fell down your cheek. "I'll tell him."

Satoru nodded with a faint smile, knowing entirely that you didn't mean Sukuna. "I can get you there," he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder.

Within the blink of an eye you were at the gates to Suguru's kingdom. You felt incredibly dizzy from the sudden teleportation. Satoru surely had plenty of power, remembering this gave you the tiniest glimmer of hope that things could work out.

"Your Royal Highnesses!" The guards quickly bowed. "My lady, they have been looking for you all day and night!"

"Yes, I'm sorry," you quickly apologized as soon as you recovered from the sudden change in setting.

"Where is Suguru? It's urgent," Satoru nearly interrupted your apology.

"He's...been out with the search party, Your Majesty. There's no telling where they are now..." The first guard gave the bad news.

"The best thing to do right now is stay put," Satoru quickly advised. 

"But...what if he shows up?" You asked worriedly. 

"I'll stay with you. But for now, the easiest way to get to Suguru is to let him come to us. He'll likely be back to rest and replenish at some point." 

You nodded, feeling completely helpless - a feeling you weren't familiar with. The thing you feared the most, getting the ones you cared for - the one you loved, hurt. But you had no choice.

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