Ch. 10 - Bachelorette

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You weren't one to dwell on something. You typically had a pretty free mind, living mostly in the moment. You liked to take things as they came, it was less stressful that way.
But this...this was something you couldn't help but keep on your mind, especially the evening before. Your wedding day...

As a little girl, you weren't one for fantasizing about your dream wedding day. You were more fixated on traveling, seeing the world in its entirety. You didn't think anything of who, if anybody, would join you. Romance wasn't your priority in this life.
With the big day in less than twenty-four hours, your nerves were going haywire.

"I think I'm going to be sick," you gave a pathetic giggle as you stabbed at your meal. You were in no mood to eat.

"Would you like me to bring your meal to your bedchamber later this evening?" The butler that was attending to you asked.

Per tradition, you and Suguru were kept separate for the entire day. In fact, you hadn't seen him since the time he lead you to the stables a few days prior. When the time would come, he'd certainly be a sight for sore eyes.
Though you had your arguments with him, he was still good company that didn't mean any harm. And though you didn't know the details about the problem that plagued humanity, you felt that your marriage to him was something that could help with that. If he could maintain his title and power, he could keep getting rid of the problem without disruptions.

"Um...sure," you took a deep breath in and stared at your plate that was mostly full. "Thank you." You gently came to a stand as he took your plate away.

"After dinner you're scheduled for your fitting," the butler reminded you just as you turned to walk away, particularly to your bedroom to hole yourself up for the night.

"Oh," you mumbled, "right."

You trudged your way to the dressing room, stomach still in knots.
The tugging of the laced corset was certainly not helping your cause. You felt no need for one, but the nobles had insisted and, as Suguru said, there really was no use in arguing with them on certain topics of tradition.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Your attendant asked with her usually soft voice, this time a hint of happiness with it.

"Nervous," you answered simply. You didn't want to say you weren't happy because while you weren't necessarily happy - you weren't necessarily upset about the arrangement. You understood what had to be done.

"Nervous?" She gave a small giggle while moving to hem the bottom of your dress.

"The entire kingdom will practically be there," you muttered, "all those eyes watching me..."

"Well," she looked up at you with a bit of glow in her eyes, "just keep your eyes on King Suguru. After all, it's your wedding."

"I don't think that'll make it any better," you gave an awkward laugh in response. You'd never admit it, but you never really could look him in the eye for very long. It wasn't that he was intimidating, it was...something else.

"You've worked hard these past few weeks," she reassured you, "you'll do great. I'm sure."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," you smirked and rolled your eyes without her noticing.

Your dress fitting wasn't the only wedding planning you participated in that day. Earlier, you were forced to "refine" your dancing skills as well as memorize an entire ballroom dance for your "first dance." That alone was tiring enough, not to mention you also had to approve the color scheme and cake filling.
You felt incredibly out of your element the entire day. You weren't against trying these new activities but having to deal with so many new, "royal" duties in one day was simply exhausting.

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