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 Mother, did it hurt this bad?

My mind couldn't think straight, it was as if the world was spinning out of control and I no longer had a hold on anything rational or sane. I wanted to curl up and cry and hurl items at the boy standing across from me. He was a boy, I'd come to the realization. He'd never be a man, not through my eyes.

 Those same eyes that had fallen harder than imaginable for the ones staring right back at me in cold, emotionless defiance. I could only imagine what he saw of me right now. This pathetic scribble of a person he was going to erase from his memory soon enough. That's all I was: a game, a mistake. That's all I would ever be to him. 

I felt a roil of embarrassment drip down my spine at a pace that took my breath away. How had I hit the pavement this hard? How could the hole in my chest be this deep? I promised I would never make a fool of myself ever again and yet here I am. The betrayal and anger clear as day on me. A flag to show just how weak I really was. 

This was the last weakness any soul would ever see from me again. The hand that wrangled its way around my most naïve and untouched ways and squeezed every last drop out of the little hope that I had left. 

Pandora's Box was no more. 

A/N: This is a fictional story and all characters involved are fictional. Disclaimer: Any 'celebrity' mentioned is fictitious and created by yours truly.


This Could Get Ugly / Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now