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Her mother was waiting for her where she told them to meet, and she let out a horrified shriek when she saw her hobbling toward her on crutches with a cast. "Oh my gosh, what happened to you?"

"I tripped and fell and broke my leg." Sarah lied, feeling uncomfortable as her mother hovered anxiously around her, bending down to examine the white boot.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Why didn't you?" Sarah snapped. "Not once did I get a simple "hello" or "good luck" call from you these past few months."

"I know. I know. I'm sorry. I've just been so busy with work." Her mom said, sighing heavily. She had dark circles under her tear-reddened, forest-green eyes. "I haven't really had any time off to call you."

"Not even to say "hello" or "I love you?"

Her mother shook her head, guilt and exhaustion written all over her face. "I wanted to, honey. I've been stuck in courthouses and cases for so long that I barely even had time to rest. The demand for lawyers is high right now and new clients keep phoning me. I'm sorry, sweetheart, that we have to meet like this."

"Tell me about dad." Sarah changed the subject. "What happened?"

"All this time, I thought he abandoned us to run away with another woman. He just packed his things and left in the middle of the night without a word or an explanation. This morning, the police arrived at my house. They told me the found my husband's dead body floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Nobody knows how he ended up there or how long he has been dead, but I was asked to take a look at the body for confirmation." She sucked in a trembling breath and tears leaked from her eyes. Her lips trembled as she spoke. "His body was torn in pieces. His right arm and leg were gone, his throat was ripped out. It looked like something had eaten him. The coroner thinks it was a shark. They found something in his pocket."
Her mother reached into her purse and pulled out a metal tin the size of her palm and held it out to her. "It has your name on it. I haven't opened it."

Her throat and eyes burned as she took the tin. Her name was indeed written on it. She opened it and inside was a folded piece of paper, untouched by water. Taking it out, she unfolded it and read.

To my darling girl,

Papa loves you and your brother and mama very much.

First, I must explain why I left.

My research team discovered something amazing out in the ocean and needed me to come out and see it for myself, so did. This research was top secret. I couldn't tell anyone about it, not even your mama.

My team captured something. Sadly, it died because of the rough treatment of the team, but I will tell you more about it when I get back home.

In the bottom of this tin, I left a little present for you.

I'll see you soon, my little pearl.

Tell mommy and Adam I said hi.

Love, papa.

Sarah didn't realize she was crying until she felt droplets hit her hands. She felt her mother's slim arms wrap around her. "What does it say, honey?"

Sarah couldn't answer. She was crying too hard, so she handed her the letter and looked down at the tin in her hand. Inside was a small silver scale.

They both held each other and sobbed.

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