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"You look a lot like him. Your father." Sarah's mother told her, sipping from her latte. They were eating lunch at a nearby Denny's. "You have his eyes and mouth and bone structure."


"Yes. I see a lot of him in Adam, too. Both of them are too stubborn for their own good."

"How is he, by the way?" Sarah asked.

"Adam is doing well. He called me the other day to let me know he's alright. He said he will give you a call, too. Apparently, he has a girlfriend now."

"Really? What's her name?"

"Cynthia. He couldn't stop gushing about how amazing and sexy she is and hot she looks in a bikini."

Sarah laughed. That sounded like her brother, alright. He would hide playboy magazines full of half naked women in bikinis under his bed when he was a teenager and drooled over them when their mother wasn't around. "Of course he did."

"What about you? Have any boys here captured your attention?"

Sarah poked her fork into a pancake and munched on it. "Well, yes actually. I'm dating someone."

"Who is he?" She went into full mom mode. "When can I meet him? Is he nice? Does he treat you well?"

"Whoa whoa, mom. Chill." Sarah chuckled. "His name is Rowan, yes, he is very nice. Yes, he treats me well. He isn't here right now, he's visiting his family, but you can meet him eventually."

"I see."

"When will dad's funeral be?"

"I'm not sure yet." Sarah's mother said. "I have to decide on a date and find a good funeral home."

"Well, let me know when it is and I'll be there." Sarah said, covering her mother's hand with her own. "Does Adam know?"

"No. I still have to call him and the rest of the family." Her mom looked down at her watch and groaned. "I'm sorry, honey. I can't stay long. I have to go back to work soon." She started stacking plates and dropped a pile of bills on the table. Pushing to her feet. "I'm sorry to drop this on you and leave so quickly."

Sarah gave her a hug. "It's fine. Go, mom."

"I love you, Sarah. I'll call you and let you know the funeral date."

"Okay. Love you too, mom."

"Take care." Her mother hurried out of the restaurant and out into the parking lot. She got into her car and drove away. Sarah slumped down in her chair, feeling exhausted. She jumped in alarm when she suddenly felt her phone buzz in her hand.

Danni: hey, girl. U ok?

Oh right. Her friends were waiting for her.

Sarah: I'm on my way. I'll tell you when I get there. Are you still at the Cafe?

Danni: no. Sam had to go to class. I'm in the art room.

Sarah: ok. I'll meet you there.

She turned off her phone, handed the waitress the wad of tens her mom had left, and crutch-walked her way outside. Only to  accidentally bump into someone on her way out the door.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Alexander Sterling barked. "Oh, it's you."

She hadn't seen Alexander since the ordeal on the beach. It gave her a little joy to see his arm in a sling and nervousness on his face when he looked at her.

"Yep. It's me."

"What happened to you? Did he break your leg or something?"

"No. I was bitten by a shark." She said with a smile. "He saved my life. Speaking of which, here comes Rowan now."

Alexander's face twisted in a look of pure terror as he quickly whipped his head around to look behind him. Sarah snickered when he realized there was no one there. "I lied. Have a lovely day, Mr. Sterling." She felt him glaring at her back as she hobbled away, and smirked when she heard him curse her under his breath. Man, that felt good.

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