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The smell of funnel cake and cotton candy and sugary drinks filled the air; so sickeningly sweet it made Sarah choke. A nearby stand was selling hotdogs and corn dogs and other greasy good, and grill smoke invaded her lungs. Laughter, excited chatter, and music reached her ears. A giant Ferris Wheel rotated in the distance, colored lights flashing in a rainbow of different colors, and nauseating-looking rides spun and twirled in the air near it.

A young shirtless man swung a hammer and a loud clang rang out when the bell was struck. The young red-haired woman next to him let out a cheer and swooned as he flexed proudly and shot her a wink.

"We have a winner!" A rotund balding man shouted. "Pick your prize!" He gestured towards the hanging plushies behind him.

The young man turned to the girl and asked, "Which one should I pick, baby?"

She giggled and lapped her pink-nailed pointer finger against her bottom lip, scrutinizing each toy until she jabbed the finger at the large Pikachu plushie hanging in the back corner of the stand. "That one."

The balding man took it down and handed it to the young man with a broad grin. "Here ya, go! Would you like to try your luck again?"

"No thanks. We're going to get some ice cream. Come on, babe." He gave the Pikachu plush to the girl and the happy couple wandered away.

"Think you could make that bell ring?" Sarah asked Rowan.

"I could do more than make it ring." He smiled. "I would shatter the hammer and the bell, and I doubt that would go over well."

"Yeah. That would be funny, though." Sarah chuckled. "Can you imagine the looks on their faces if they saw you break the game with your strength?"

"Yeah. Funny. How's your leg?"

"It's healing well. Dr. Hernández said it is healing quicker than she expected and that I should be able to ditch the cast in about two weeks."

"Good." Rowan leaned down and kissed her cheek sweetly. Sights, sounds, and a myriad of smells assaulted her senses and it made her feel lightheaded and dizzy, but Rowan's comforting presence and gentle hand on her shoulder made it more bearable.

The wood planks of the boardwalk creaked and groaned under their feet as they walked along it. The sun was starting to set and it was so hot that Sarah felt like she was baking in an oven. Sweat dripped in rivers down her face and neck and down her spine, soaking her pink tank top. Her long skirt swished around her knees whenever she moved. She was glad that she had chosen to tie her hair up in a bun, otherwise she would have been even hotter.

She recognized a few of the students from Hampton as they passed by. They stopped to give her a friendly wave, but some of the girls gave Sarah envious looks. Jealous of her relationship with Rowan. Ignoring them, she stopped for a moment to wipe the sweat off her brow with her wrist.

"Would you like something to drink?" Rowan asked. "Or some ice cream?"

Sarah blew out a sigh, causing her auburn bangs to flutter. "I would kill for an ice cream cone."

"Alright. I think I see an ice cream stand. Come on." They made a beeline for the ice cream vendor.

"Hello. What can I get for you two?" A petite blond woman asked.

"Can I get a double scoop of mint chocolate chip on a waffle cone, please?"

"Sure thing, and for you, sir?"

"Nothing for me, thank you."

Sarah looked up at him questioningly. "You don't want any?"

He shook his head. "Nah. I don't really like this kind of food."

"That'll be a dollar fifty." The lady said, scooping two large mounds of ice cream onto a cone. She wrapped it in a napkin and held it out to Sarah with a warm smile. "Here you go."

Rowan dug a five dollar bill out of his wallet and gave it to her. "Thank you."

"Yeah, thanks."

Big blue eyes sparkled. "You're welcome. You know, you two make such a beautiful couple. I swear, you could both be models."

Sarah beamed at the compliment. "Aww, thank you very much."

She and Rowan sat on a bench and watched people walk by as she licked her ice cream. Shivering with delight and moaning as the sweet treat coated her tongue. There was nothing better than refreshing, cold, sweet mint-chocolate chip ice cream on a hot summer day. "Mmm. This is perfect."

"You seem much happier than you were yesterday, il tesoro mia." Rowan commented, studying her with those mesmerizing eyes of his that took her breath away. "Less nervous."

She froze mid-lick. "Do I? I'm still a little nervous, but being with you makes me happy and eases my worries. I love you, honey."

His smile was as radiant and dazzling as the setting sun. It lit up his entire face and his eyes gleamed like aquamarine jewels. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail and the blue highlights in the raven tresses glowed in the brilliant sunlight. Framed by rays of golden afternoon sun that lit him from behind like a halo, he looked like an angel from heaven, and he was all hers. "I love you more."

"I love you the most." Sarah grinned and gave her ice cream a long, slow lick. Smirking as his gaze lowered to her mouth and he swallowed. He leaned in and kissed her hungrily, tongue invading her mouth, and she moaned in pleasure.

"I may not like ice cream, but on you it tastes delicious." He purred when they finally separated.

"I think you taste even better than the ice cream." Sarah said breathily, hovering her parted lips just inches away from his. "Give me another taste."

"Oh my gosh, Sarah? Is that you?" Came Danni's exclamation from out of nowhere, startling Sarah and making her quickly pull away from Rowan. Danni was staring at them both wide-eyed, looking absolutley gorgeous in a figure-hugging, knee-length red dress and red heeled sandals. Her thick dark hair tumbled down her back in loose, wavy curls, silver hoops dangled from her ears, her eyes were smokey with dark brown eyeshadow and perfect winged liner. She was clinging to the arm of Jason Todd, who stood tall and rugged and blond at her side. "I thought that was you! What are you doing here, girl? You said you weren't coming, and here I find you making out with your boyfriend. Why didn't you call me or Sam about the change of plans?"

Sarah winced, guilt flooding her. "I'm sorry. You're right. I should have called you. I just had a lot on my mind."

Her eyes softened with sympathy. "Thinking about your father, huh?"

"Yeah. I just needed time to grieve. Rowan convinced me to come. He said it would cheer me up."

"I understand, girl. We were going to get some funnel cake, then meet with Sam and Thomas at the Ferris Wheel. Would you like to join us?"

"We would love to." Said Rowan.

Jason gave a crooked grin. "Great! The more the merrier."

"Awesome! We'll meet you at the Ferris Wheel." Danni sniffed the air and moaned. "Those funnel cakes are calling my name."

Sarah and Rowan shared a look after they left.

She nodded. "Come on. Let's go."

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