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The sky was crying. Raindrops kissed Sarah's skin and clung to her hair. She hadn't bothered to bring an umbrella, but she didn't mind the rain. It hid her own tears.

The whole school was there for the funeral. Danni was beloved by everyone, teachers and students alike. Even Alexander Sterling showed up to mourn her. Jason Todd stood next to Danni's mother, Lilliana Ortega, and her younger sister, Gail. All of them openly crying as her casket was carried to her grave.

Birds wailed almost mournfully as they swooped across the cloudy gray sky. The breeze was soft and tender and sweet, caressing Sarah's face, and when she breathed in, she thought she caught a faint whiff of Danni's favorite Gucci perfume. It made her eyes prickle with tears.

At her side, always her comforting, loyal rock, stood Rowan. Tall and slender and darkly beautiful, dressed in all black mourning garb of black jeans, black sneakers, and a black Nirvana hoodie. His hair was tied back in a ponytail, and his face was soft and sad as he looked down at her.

"Are you okay, il tesoro mia?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She stepped into his arms and wrapped her arms around him in a hug as the short, robed old man holding a bible in front of them cleared his throat and gave his speech.

"I won't tell you all what a sad day this is, because you already know. We are here today to celebrate and remember the life of young Miss Daniella Ortega, or as she was known by family and friends, Danni. I'm sure you all know how wonderful and special this young woman was. She was kind, talented, warm-hearted, and was always someone who would willingly help out a friend in times of trouble out of the goodness of her heart. She brought light and warmth and joy to so many people's lives. But now she has gone home to meet her Maker. Now, let us return the favor and give back some of that light to her today. Before I allow her loved ones to say their eulogies and final goodbyes, I want you all to know something: death is not an end. It is a beginning. Our stories do not end with death. A new chapter will be written, and a new journey will begin for Miss Ortega, and for all of us who have died and will eventually die. So please, my friends. Do not fear death."

One by one, Danni's family and friends took their turns saying their eulogies. Sarah wished Sam could be there, too, but she was still in the hospital. It has been three days since the tragedy took place, and Sam was still traumatized. Her stump was cleaned and stitched up, but she refused to speak to anyone. Sarah and Rowan planned to visit her after the funeral was over.

After Danni's mother and sister finished their tearful goodbyes, it was Jason's turn to speak. The poor guy looked awful. He looked like he hadn't slept in months, and his eyes were red and swollen with tears. His voice shook as he spoke. "Danni was my girlfriend, and the love of my life. Not a day goes by when I don't think about the last time I saw her." He swallowed hard and closed his eyes. "She thought I was cheating on her. She saw me as a girl threw herself at me and kissed me, slapped me, and ran away in tears. I didn't get the chance to explain to her what happened, to tell her that I turned the girl down and pushed her away. Nor did I get the chance to tell her that I loved her with all my heart."

He turned and placed his hand on the lid of her casket, which was her favorite shade of pink, and his frame shook with sobs. "I love you, baby girl. So much. I'll miss you forever. Goodbye, my love."

Tears rolled down Sarah's face, heart breaking for him. Rowan gave her a gentle squeeze and a sad smile. She wondered if it reminded him of when she died. Next, it was her turn. "Go on." Rowan nudged her back lightly.  I'll be right here. Just look at me if you feel nervous."

She gave a weak smile and nodded. "Thank you."

She slowly approached the pink casket, the black skirt of her dress making a soft rustling noise as it brushed the grass at her feet. She could feel everyone's eyes locked on her and she anxiously gripped the material of her skirt. Squeezing and tugging at it. She faced the crowd and her eyes immediately settled on Rowan's angelic face.

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