118. A Place We Call Home [Wandanat]

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Title: A Place We Call Home

Author: NoiHarris

Status: Completed

Relationship: Wandanat

Summary: Natasha has been living with Nick Fury for four years and has watched as he extended their small family by fostering, and then adopting, Clint and brothers, Steve and Tony. However, her whole life is thrown upside down when Wanda Maximoff joins their dysfunctional family. It's time for her to come to terms with her past if she wants to help a distraught Wanda continue with her life with only half a heart... and maybe make that whole in the meantime

Chapters: 19

Words: 66,287


Wanda Maximoff

Natasha Romanoff

Nick Fury

Steve Rogers

Clint Barton

Tony Stark

Thor Odison


Bucky Barnes

Pietro Maximoff (mentioned)

Daisy Johnson

Phil Coulson

Bobbi Morse

Melinda May

Lance Hunter

Maria Hill

Pepper Potts (mentioned)

Bruce Banner

Carol Danvers

Peter Parker


Alot of characters (I gave up listing them all)

Minor Relationship(s):

Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers

Natasha Romanoff/Maria Hill (briefly)


Natasha Romanoff & Nick Fury

Natasha Romanoff & Clint Barton

Natasha Romanoff & Tony Stark

Natasha Romanoff & Daisy Johnson

Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers

Wanda Maximoff & Tony Stark

Wanda Maximoff & Nick Fury

Wanda Maximoff & Clint Barton

Bucky Barnes & Wanda Maximoff

Warning(s): Trauma, mentions of the Red Room, Angst Angst Angst. Oh, and sexual content.

My Rating: 9/10

Fav Quote(s):

"I can't be around stupid people, it hurts my brain,"

"Were we not completing these together Natasha?"

"Aw, I only call it that in my head!"

My Comments/Thoughts: This is one of the most unique, different stories I've read and I really really like it. At first, the summary didn't catch my attention and I was hesitant going into it, but that changed after actually reading it. It's quite angsty but I think it's balanced and executed well. But here's your final warning that your heart will break multiple times throughout.

Website: AO3

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34142155/chapters/84947209#main

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