chapter 1

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Severus snape was having a very nice summer he finished all his potions poppy had asked him to make, he was almost done on a new potion to make the use see the memorys of the person with a few drops of their blood. Their had been alot of error but final it was done all he needed now was to test it. He bottle the silver potion and put it on the shelf to cool in his experience it was never good to drink a hot potion, must numeskulls never relied that unless the burned their tongue or stomach being stupid.
Severus sigh running a hand through his silky hair, unknown to hogwarts staff and students his hair was silky to the touch he just used illusions to make it look greasy so everyone would think it was after all he had a image to uphold as the " so called greasy dungeon bat" it was funny after working at hogwarts for so long that was the best people could come up with, heck even minnie had a better nickname! Not that he was complaining it was just after so long it was getting boring hearing here comes the greasy dungeon bat!
Severus wonder what would happen if he showed up with no illustrations and smiling.
He smirked most likely all of Gryffindor would have a heart attack, hufflepuffs would most likely run and get professer sprout thinking he had been cursed or something,  most of ravenclaw already now his hair had a illusions charm so they didnt care as long as it didnt effect their grades, and slytherin didnt care because they already know.

Severus sigh as he stirred counter clock wise for one last time and waited for the potion to turn blood red. He loved potions but dealing with over 200 students was hard most of them couldnt even make a simple bloody potion and others where just horrid like that longbottom boy, he had explode 10 couldrens in a month! He know the boy was bad at them and had told his grandmother as such but the old crone had huffed saying a longbottom heir needed to learn potions aka. My son was good at it so my grandson must learn it to! The old croan had forgotten that mr.longbottom was not her son, he was himself and honestly better at Sproats class, boy had a green thumb just like his mother, her shyness to he remembered his mother quick to clam up if talked to and just as good at herbolgy.

Honestly people these days, they think he didnt care but that was untrue he did , whenever a student was sick he give them potiond discreetly and made sure they eat at the Great hall, or if upset he let them use his owl to send a letter home, even the students of other houses he point it out to their head of house, even if they didn't believe him and he had to help the child himself when he gave the child detention with him so they could talk and he could figure out what was wrong. Byt he couldn't help them all, he remembered four summers ago when a ravenclaw was bullyed to bad he jumped of the astrology tower and killed himself the poor boy left a detailed note explaing why , when, and who had bullyed him needless to say those students where expelled and never to return.

Severus sighed once more and bottled the noe ruby red luquid into potion viles. Just  as he was cleaning up poppy came through his floo and looked about ready to scream asking hi. To come with her and bring all the healing potions he had made and to hurry!
Severus was quick with a snap of his wand he was ready. He wonders who was hurt a teacher? No they could fix themselfs just fine , student? It must be but to come these early in the school uear it must have been bad.

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