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Usually alarm clocks woke the boys up. Unfortunately, today it was some high-pitched screeching that caused OC and Rizzo drag themselves out of their beds.

"What the hell," Rizzo murmured as a he rubbed his eyes.

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU," a voice that Jack had determined was Anastasia's. Rizzo tentatively opened the door, only to see an empty cardboard box being hurled at their fellow team mate Mac.

"CALM DOWN IT WAS A JOKE," Mac replied as he dodged the box and took off down the stairs, a drenched Ana only a few feet behind him.

They followed behind the duo watching as Ana chased Robby around with a steak knife that had been lying on the counter. 

"What the hell is going on here?" Herb said as he stood at the door way holding two sets of car keys, causing both Robby and Ana to freeze and Rizzo and Jack to cringe. 

"She started it," Robby quickly said, making Ana's jaw dropped.

"I started it?" She said slowly. "You're such a little bitch Robert, you know that."

"I- your a little bitch Anastasia," he exclaimed. 

Ana rolled her eyes in amusement, knowing she had won. "Whatever I'm over this." As she turned to leave her uncle reached out and grabbed her arm, his grip making it near impossible to move.

"Anastasia! Your supposed to be the goddamn RA, the mediator, you can't be chasing these kids around with steak knives," Herb sighed, as he grabbed the steak knife from her hand. "Can one of you boys please return this to its original spot?" Both Ana a Robby turned their heads finally noticing the Jack and Rizzo.

Bringing her attention back to her uncle she rolled her eyes once more. But before she could respond, Robby butted in and said, "Yeah, you could have seriously injured me." 

In response Ana wrinkled her nose and while her uncle's back was turned she flipped Robby off.


Twenty minutes later Rizzo, OC, and Ana sat in the kitchen and they watched Mac make coffee. Somehow the loud commotion hadn't woken up the rest of the team.

"So, I take it that you guys know each other?" Rizzo said as he stood up and pulled out four mugs for Mac to pour the coffee into.

"No," Ana responded.

While at the same time Mac responded with a "Yes."

Rizzo's face twisted with amusement. But before he could comment Ana yelped. "What is this shit." They all watched as she quickly regurgitated the small amount that she had drank back into the mug.

"Oh I'm sorry your highness that we don't have the coffee to your liking," Robby snapped.

"God your such a little bitch," Ana mumbled, before putting the mug in the sink and storming off.

"God your such a little bitch," Robby reiterated in a high falsetto voice.

"I HEARD THAT," Ana yelled back from the staircase.

"Whatever," Robby murmured before following in the same direction. 

With both of them gone Jack turned to Rizzo and said, "And they thought that him and I together would be a problem." 


"God what was all that noise this morning?" Buzzy asked as he buttered a slice of toast. By now most of the team had woken up, but both Robby and Ana had yet to make an appearance.

"Whatever it was, I woke up to Mac muttering to himself and pacing back and fourth," Verchota, Mac's roommate, said.

"He got in a fight with the new RA," Rizzo answered.

"Wait there's a new RA!?" Buzzy wondered aloud. They had all liked their previous one, Susie. She was quiet and didn't really care what they did.

"Yeah she's..." Silky started before letting a low whistle, earning a few chuckles from the rest of them.

"But she's coach's niece," Rizzo reminded, causing the smiles from the team to fall.

A few moments later they saw the tall, red-headed girl reach the bottom of the stair case only for her to let out a loud feminine screech. "OW, that was my hair jerk-off."

"Where's my key?" Mac asked, angrily only a few feet behind her.

"What are you talking about?" She asked turning to face him.

"I know you have it. Why else would you be near my door?"

"Oh I don't know, dipshit, maybe because your fucking room is right next to the damn stairs." 

"Just give me the goddamn key Anastasia."

"Whose Anastasia?" Pav asked, as everyone eyes went back an fourth from the bickering pair.

"Wait a minute. Ana is the new RA. Like the definition of party animal Ana is the RA," Buzzy said wide eyed. 

Jack internally cringed again. Another person who got to call her Ana added to the list.Rizzo raised and eyebrow and nodded. Wondering what he meant by party animal.

"For the love of god I don't have them. Besides, why would a steal your keys when I can't even drive!" Ana turned away from him and made her way to the front door, not having seemed to notice the rest of the team in the kitchen. But Robby followed her straight out the door.

"Hey where are you going," he asked, his voice getting fainter and fainter.

"What's the deal with them?" Jack asked, his eyes staring at the wide opened front door.

"Oh them," Verchota said before smirking, "They go way back." Leaving both Jack and Rizzo even more confused then before.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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