Allowing love to mold these thoughts,
as they are spoken
into actions,
made to meet the cosmos,
every open moment,
as it happens.
Grateful to be at the seat of one's soul,
watering the world in joy wherever beauty grows!
And yes, let us call these occurrences of beauty by name,
at home...
as the heart is...
acknowledging our constant state of presence...
Beating with the evidence
of an ever-present
life force energy...
Evidently, connecting
to the apparent essence,
of what's been
encouraging true power
at every point of resistance.
Patiently accepting
our role
between each state of existence...
Parallel to heaven,
just beyond the concept of hell,
there exist these Elysian fields...
This is where Tartarus asks us: what's really real?
Sacrifice becomes the means of making true medicine.
Passivity breeds mediocrity
and mental illness remains restlessly writhing within.
Day by day,
our aspirations
clear space for rest
and relaxation...
While depending on us to keep preventing depression,
by asking good questions
and maintaining a frequent exchange
of nutrients and hydration,
provoking profound ideas,
originating right here,
in the pleasure centers
of an active imagination,
actively stirring up stagnant policies
hinged on social oddities
that beg us to revise things like...
the economy.
Perseverance calls upon us
to exercise the deepest levels
of our most vital reserves,
deserving the power
of our truest sense of character...
This requires our skills and abilities to give motion to the philo-motive forces gestating within the practice of our words...
And now,
In the pursuit of our own personal rediscovery,
we will be revealing the residually recurring revelations
evolving the essence of everything around us,
It's as if these messages
have been coming from
the outer most reaches
of our universe...
Only to converge
with the harmonic disciplines
of a multifaceted
inter-dimensional measurement
strung out
across the unseen rise
of our hyper-conscious
sense of progress...
Notice how,
your processor
is processing
the process
of being processed.
"Formlessly timeless in the boundlessness of linelessness"
Homes For Poems With Water Appreciation
PoetryWater appreciation is the greatest common factor unifying the many different arts practiced by all the different religions of all the different cultures from all the different nations. The essential ingredient to life as we know must be recognized...