The boy, the rider, the girls Pt.2

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2 months later

Having left Ren and Nora at the village Y/N continued his journey to find Ozma in the kingdom of Atlas. Y/N soon arrived at the city of Atlas. He was amazed and couldn't believe that the city was on a floating island. He soon had to find a way to hid the fact he was a Faunes so he bought a coat and a hat to cover his ears and tail. He soon saw how rough the Faunes had and how many saw down on them. He was able to find hotel though the price was high. He soon knew he need time and a job in order to keep his room amd to gather information.

6 Years later

Living in Atlas Y/N has been able to gain a job at a cafe called small Fortune whose owner is very kind to Faunes and able to protect those who belittle them.

Y/N(Mind) - "My time in Atlas has made me realize that Ozma isn't in Atlas but I heard about a man named Ozpin who runs a place called Beacon Academy. So it looks like I have a new destination. Alright, Time to get back to work otherwise Mr. Westcott will give me another lecture about punctuation."

??? - AAHH!

While walking he sees a girl in a white outfit hurt and looked sad. Y/N then ran to her see if she was okay.

Y/N - "Hey are you OK?"

??? - "I'm fine I just twisted ankle. You should leave me be I don't want to trouble."

Y/N - "Sorry not going to happen. I'll take you to my boss he can help you by the way my name is Y/N what's yours?"

Cinder- "It's Cinder but are you sure?"

Y/N nodded and carried Cinder to to Little Fortune. As soon as he arrived kicked opened the door which got his boss's attention.

Mr. Westcott- "Y/N what are you doing and who is that? WAIT, LOOK AT MY DOOR!"

Y/N then look back at the door and saw he made a huge dent in it.

Y/N - "Sorry boss but she has a bad ankle and I thought you might help her."

Mr. Westcott - "Of course know let me get a good look at you young lady.

Mr. Westcott examined Cinder's ankle then he saw how poor of a condition she was in.

Mr. Westcott- "Young lady I'll need you to prop your foot up so I can ice it. Y/N can you get her as well as something to eat. You look like you haven't been feed in a while little lady when did you last eat.

Cinder didn't answer she looked away from Mr. Westcott only to soon see a sandwich brought to her as well as a pack of ice. Cinder ate the sandwich and soon asked why they helped her.

Mr. Westcott- "It's within good people to help others in need even to those who hid it."

One Hour later

Cinder spent time at the Cafe learning about the owner and Y/N. The two soon became fast friends and both learned that they were orphaned at a young age. But Cinder was intrigued by the boy's kindness and the owner's as well. But soon all that changed.


Before her mother could grab her Mr. Westcott grabbed Cinder's Mother's wrist with force. Y/N soon stood in front of Cinder to protect her. This surprise her for no one protect her like this.

Mr. Westcott- "Just one minute? You come into my shop and put your hands on little girl? Who do you think you are?

Cinder's "mother"- "She is my daughter and I will take her home! Now take your hands off me and get that street rat to move!"

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