A New Problem

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Y/N was sitting in a chair with Amber on his right, Kiyomi, who was sitting across from him, and Eva, who was at the head of the table on his left. Y/N then turned to Eva, who was looking at him.  

Y/N: So, Eva, how've you've been?

Eva turned to Y/N with a smile. 

Eva: I've been fine. I was surprised to hear that you were alive. But I always knew that you were alive. 

Kiyomi soon slammed her hands on the table in anger. 

Kiyomi: What the hell are you doing, cousin!

Y/N: Cousin?

Eva: Kiyomi, don't start with me. I haven't forgiven you for your little interruption you did last night.  

Y/N then turned to Kiyomi. 

Y/N: By the way, where did you even get Diend's gun?

Kiyomi: I got it from him. He's been training me since he first arrived. He's has taken me to different worlds. I have fought along and against other riders. 

Y/N: Then do you know where he is?

Kiyomi scoffed at him and looked away. Amber then slammed her hands to get Kiyomi's attention. 

Amber: Hey! He asked you a question!

Eva then looked at Amber and then looked at Y/N.

Eva: By the way, who are you? I don't think I've ever seen you before. 

Amber: Oh, sorry about that, Eva. 

Eva: It's quite alright. But we need to get started. 

Y/N: Get started with what? 

Eva: Y/N, I need your help. I know you want me to join you on this mission. But I have my own problems to deal with. 

Y/N: Does it have to do with your family?

Eva then nodded to Y/N's response.

Eva: Yes, as you already know, my grandfather is about to name a new head of the family. I have, in Lucy's term, tossed my hat in the ring. Though many of my cousins are against it, as well as my cousins, I still plan on taking over the clan. 

Y/N: So what do you need me to do?

Eva: I need you to be my champion. 

Kiyomi: Are you serious! Why him? Why not send me to be your champion. 

Eva: You know why. Your own brother is competing to be the new head, and you know he will you every dirty trick he knows to win. 

Y/N: But why me? 

Eva: Because he doesn't know your tricks. So I have a feeling you will win. 

Eva then discussed her plan to all three in the room. In a different section of the house, a man in his late twenties threw a glass bottle at the wall in anger. 

???: RRRAAAGH! Damn that stupid bitch! She's running all my plans! If I don't become head of the family then -.

Fade: Then your little deal with my Mistress will not happen. 

The man soon turned around to see Fade leaning against the wall. 

???: Fade! 

???: Jinzo. I heard that build has arrived. 

The man named Jinzo soon bowed to him. 

Jinzo: Yes. He's here. You can get to him once you get pass all the guards. While your killing him I need you to take out my stupid sister and the rest who wants to be head of the family. They are not needed for my plans. 

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