Ready, Fight!

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Y/N had gained conciseness and soon looked around and saw he was in his room all alone. He soon got up and looked at his scroll and saw that he had been asleep for over a week.

Y/N: What the hell happened to me. 

He soon saw the door open and saw Ozpin along with Ironwood, Percival, and Goodwitch.

Ozpin: It's good to see you're awake.

Percival: I told them you would make it. 

Y/N: What happened?

Ironwood: After what happened in the city, you fell to the ground and was immediately brought to the doctors to have a look at you.

Percival: They said you fell due to exhaustion. Must have been from this.

Percival soon pulled out the hazard trigger. 

Ironwood: My man examined it and said that this thing burned through your aura rapidly. 

Percival: Plus, all those changes you did must have taken a lot out of you. 

Percival then handed Y/N the hazard trigger.

Ozpin: After that, your team and several others kept coming to see you while you were still out.

Y/N: Where are they?

Ozpin: In class. They wouldn't leave until I told them about the tests in class they have today.

Y/N soon tried to get up but then sat down quickly as everything began to spin. Percival then pushed Y/N back into his bed.

Ozpin: You need to rest for now. You're going to need it for the tournament.

Y/N: Who are we up against?

Percival: Me. I'll also be using this. 

Percival soon pulled out the Sclash driver.

Y/N: Then if you're going all out, then so am I.

Y/N then pulled out his hazard trigger.

Ironwood: Is that really wise. The last time you used it, put you right here.

Y/N: I'll be careful this time. I just tweak it a bit and make it perfect.

After talking for a while, everyone began to leave. Y/N soon grab Ozpin's arm. 

Y/N: Ozpin, we need to talk. 

Ozpin: What is it?

Y/N soon discussed to Ozpin what he saw in his dream and who had called out to him.

A Few Days later 

Y/N was in the locker room grabbing his gear he then saw his team also gearing up. Soon after everyone was ready, they soon all looked at each other. 

Y/N: Today is the big day.

Lucy: Are you ready for this? This is your best friend.

Eva: He also has the sclash driver the two of you built. From what you've said about it, you say it is much stronger than any of your other forms you've recorded so far. 

Y/N: That's why I have this.

Y/N soon pulled out the hazard trigger. Ursula soon grabbed Y/N's hand and looked into his eyes.

Ursula: Only as a last resort. You promised us that you would only use it for that. 

Y/N: I promise.

Soon, the metal doors opened, and all four walked towards the open field as they did. They soon saw team PAYN walking towards them as well. The crowds within the coliseum were cheering and roaring to both teams. Soon, they stopped in the center and soon heard the speakers going off. 

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