Not What You Think

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I loved being a champion, but I beat damn near everyone on the roster. Every week started to grow boring, matches got easier. This week I didn't even have a match, but when I heard a knock on my door, I was hoping it would lead to something exciting.

"Who is it?" I called out, stepping from the bathroom, coming to a halt when they replied:

"It's Bron."

Baby boy's back so soon? After last week, I wasn't sure what to expect from him. Opening the door softly, I had the same attitude that I always had with him, but kept things simple:

"What brings you over here?"

"You're not booked tonight, right?" This was interesting and with the way he rose up on his toes a little, I could tell his blood was pumping.

"No, why?" I tilted my head a little, and he was on the fly, asking quickly:

"Please tell me you brought some gear?"

"Why?" I said more sternly this time, finally learning what he wanted:

"Look, that little shithead Grayson Waller thinks it's really funny to talk crap then hide behind that girl Tiffany. Challenged me to a mixed tag match and I need a partner."

"Wait," I chuckled, dumbfounded, "You want me to be your partner?"

"Yeah!" He smiled, trying to work his charm, flashing his title, "We are the champions after all. And no one can beat you, remember?"

I hated that he could make me smile, having to look away when I accepted:

"You're lucky I brought some gear, baby boy."

"So, you'll be my partner?" He was a bit surprised that I agreed, smiling more at my nod:

"Just come and get me before it's time."

"Hell yeah," He smiled more, "I owe you one."

"Save that for after the match," I winked, going to shut the door, "Go get ready."

He went off and I immediately started getting ready for the match. I've been itching to get my hands on someone and maybe I was a little excited that I got to wrestle with Bron?

No, he just caught me at a good time knowing that I wasn't on the card. That's all it was. We were co-main event and by then, I heard some chatter backstage that everyone thought I left. This surprise for Grayson and Tiffany was going to be too good.

"You ready?" There were more knocks at my door, "They just went to the guerrilla!"

"Ready," I smirked, opening up the door, and what a coincidence we were both wearing pink and blue, Bron just having to poke at me:

"Real funny you called me a fruit loop, but you're wearing the same colors."

"I can still walk away from this match you know," I said with no emotion to poke back, but damn it, he kept making me smile, booping my nose and scolding:

"You don't have to be so serious all the time, you know?"

Pushing his hand away I mocked him, smacking his butt, "Go get out there so you can introduce me as your partner."

He listened and started to make his way, also mocking me back, but we were listening to Grayson out in the ring with a microphone:

"Ya have been keeping us waiting, ALL NIGHT LONG, Bron! Let's just face it, ya just weren't able to find a woman capable of-"

Bron went ahead and made his way out with his music playing, not bothering to say anything to Grayson, just a smile on his face while holding out his hand, signaling for me and when my music hit?

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