All Heart

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When I first stepped up to Bron, I knew that he was a good champion. That's why I took the shots that I did at him. Seeing Cameron Grimes do the same grinded my gear, but I understood because I did the same.

I also knew that Bron was amazing in that ring, that he could move past the mental games. He's done it before he would surely do it again.

"But you ain't got heart! And you sure don't have a heart like mine!"

Bron's body language was showing how fed up he was becoming with Cameron and I watched more closely, instantly knowing there was about to be a fight when Cameron went on with:

"Your daddy did have no heart either. That's why he was never a world champion and that's why you had to-"

Hearing more trash talk about his dad sent him over, throwing his title and grabbing Cameron by the throat, throwing him up to hit his finisher, but Cameron slipped away and dodge a charge coming at him.

I could tell by the way Bron's shoulder hit the turnbuckle that something was wrong. Standing up in my chair, I watched with my chest heaving, the both of them trying to get back up. Bron told me earlier not to worry, but that was hard to do.

When Cameron grabbed his belt and then threw him back into the turnbuckle, so hard that it popped off. That was it for me. Not only did medical personnel come, but I flew my ass down to that ring, coming face to face with Cameron who was on the apron, talking smack, STILL.

"Listen here," I was furious, throwing Cameron around and getting in his face, "You better take your ass to the moon before I take you to the morgue."

"Y/N?" Bron looked over to me quickly, trying to get back up but I glared, making him sit still.

"Aww, baby girl. Go ahead and try," Cameron smiled in my face, "Sure you could give me a better fight than your man can."

To be an asshole, he went to twirl a strand of my hair and I about slapped the piss out of him:

"Better watch who the hell you're talking to," I snapped, literally kicking his ass while he was hunched over holding his face, then sliding into the ring to be with Bron.

I kept my eyes on Cameron to make sure he left, then said quickly to Bron, holding his other arm:

"I'm here, baby."

Bron always wanted to look strong, especially around me, but there was no hiding how his shoulder was getting to him. He was there for me when my elbow was messed up, so I had to be there for him, was going to be there for him regardless.

Much like me, he needed x-rays and all on his shoulder, still insisted on wrestling Cameron next week, and I couldn't say anything because I was the same way. Holding his hand while his shoulder got wrapped up, being put into a sling, the worry in his eyes were deep, just staring at his shoulder and lost in thoughts.

"Hey baby boy," I whispered softly, squeezing his hand and smiling at him, "It's all gonna be alright."

He only nodded at me, the staff chit-chatter in the background still his main focus, so I changed that. Standing in front of me, I held his head, trying my best to be encouraging:

"Listen to me. You are Bron damn Breakker. Don't you dare let Cameron's words get to you. Saying that you don't have heart is bullshit. You have so much of it and I know that your shoulder's hurting, but we have a week to make sure you're ready to go, you're going to crush that pipsqueak Grimes and still be champ. I'll make sure to get the hottest panty set to reward you too."

I was hoping that little bit would make him smile or laugh and it did, loving that smile of his so much, making sure he knew that I was by his side for the whole ride, kissing his shoulder softly and whispering:

"And say somehow things don't go according to plan? It'll be alright because you'll forever be my champion and you don't need a title to show that, baby."

Staring deep into my eyes, I noticed how they were glistening a little, squeezing his hand back when he whispered back:

"There's something that I need to tell you, Y/N."

"Yeah?" I wasn't sure what he was going to say, till he squeezed my hand hard, the both of us shaking and sharing a tear when he meant with all of his heart:

"I love you."

I had to close my eyes, never liking people see me cry, but I couldn't help it, hugging his head and keeping my temple to his, a new, deep feeling in my heart as it skipped beats and throbbed, kissing his cheek, meaning it just as much:

"I love you too, Bron." 

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