The Champion Couple

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[Hey babe. Just pulled into the parking lot.]

For the past week, I'd been texting Bron all week. Seeing each other just about every day. It was so obvious how hard we were falling for each other and now, he was always calling me baby.

I haven't been this happy in a long time, smiling at my phone while heading out of the locker room and texting:

[You'll knw where to find me 😘]

I smiled more while watching the bubbles glow as he was responding, watching the screen and not paying attention to my surroundings till I got kicked into the wall super hard.

It was rough and straight to the head, hitting the metal door and dropping down. Looking up briefly, I saw Tiffany and Grayson laughing in the background as she grabbed one of the metal crates, smashing it into my stomach when I tried to get up to my feet.

All of the air in my lungs got driven out of me, feeling a hard pop that went through to my back, my head banging off the metal door.

I instantly dropped, holding my stomach and trying to breathe, glancing at the crate rolling back as she wasn't done.

I was trying my hardest to get up, but with no air, everything felt like it was in slow motion, then I felt a large hand around my wrist.

Grayson had my wrist and pulled my arm out, turning it so my elbow was facing out, his grip super strong and with no energy, there was no fighting it:

"Let her have it, Tiff!"

I went to lean and try to pull him with me, but she ran full force with the crate right into my arm and elbow.

There was this pop in my arm, going to scream out in pain but nothing, tears running down my face and my heart was pounding so hard that I could hear every beat echo in my head, feeling like an earthquake.

I quickly pulled my arm back, holding it tight, and tried to breathe but it seemed like it only made it worse, opening my mouth and trying again just for painful wheezes to come out.

"Not so untouchable now!" Tiffany squatted down and laughed at me, "That titles mine, bitch."

She kept laughing at me, but Grayson quickly tapped her, hearing Bron's voice, and then they both took off.

"Bro-" I went to speak and call for him, but it hurt too much, going back to tears, curling up in the corner holding my arm.

"Y/N?" His voice was getting closer, rushing over after hearing my cries, noticing how I was in so much pain it was making me panic, "Oh my god, what happened?!"

He quickly kneeled to me, seeing how I was holding my arm and I couldn't respond from how hard I was crying. So, he held my face still, looking deeply into my eyes and trying to calm me down:

"You need to breathe, okay? Deep breaths."

Doing it with me helped a little, shaking super hard when I finally got in a deep breath and that was step one, step two:

"It's your arm?"

I quickly nodded, breathing deeply again, coughing out:

"That bitch Tiffany."

He quickly glanced over to the crate that was next to me, looking to my elbow next and immediately growing worried, scooping me up into his arms, "I got you, baby. Just hang in there."

Never in my career have I gotten seriously injured, not remembering a time I've cried this hard, staying close to his chest and closing my eyes while growing more anxious, heading into the ME room.

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