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Ochako's POV

Today I saw Deku talking to Todoroki, I wanted go and tell him that I liked him for a long time sometimes I dream about waking up in his arms and kissing him every morning, but when I was walking to go talk to Deku Mina came up to me and ask to help set for her birthday party even though I wanted to talk to Deku I still said Yes because Mina is a really good friend of mine, so me and Mina walk to the dorms so we could set up for the party, when I was putting up decorations I saw Deku walk up to mina I guess Mina asked him to help her to, I saw this as an opportunity to tell him that I liked him, but again when I walking to Deku someone walked up to me it was Tsu she wanted me to help her with the food, Tsu is my best friend so I said Yes I guess Deku will to wait.

Asui's POV

Today is Mina's birthday so she asked me to make food for her party I agreed because she told me Ochako-san would be there, Mina knows I like Uaraka and every time I try to tell her I end saying something else. I started walking to the dorms when I saw Bakugo screaming at Denki I  went to see what the problem was when I saw one of Bakugo's rice balls bags in Denki's hand so I ran to them and ask what was wrong they looked at me and then Bakugo said " This idiot took my rice balls" , I asked Denki why he took Bakugo's rice balls and Denki said " I was just hungry " then I asked Denki if he asked to have one and Denki said no so I said well then give Bakugo back his food so Denki did and Bakugo walked away and stood there looking hungry and Denki said " I'm still hungry" he said so I gave him a chocolate bar I had in my back pocket and Denki said thank you so I went back to walking to the dorms. I have just finish make the food for the party and I need help getting it to the common room area and I saw that Ochako was done putting up decorations so I asked her to help me and to my luck she said yes I planed on telling her then but I chickened out.

Ochako's POV

I finally got done helping Tsu get the food to the common room area I saw Deku sitting couch I saw this as opportunity for me to tell him that I like him I sat on the couch a inch away from him, he looked at like he knew that I wanted something he said " do you need something Ochako-San". actually yes I said. "Well what is it" said Deku, "well I have liked you since we met on the first day of school do you like me too". Deku sighed and said sorry Ochako-San I like you as a friend don't get me wrong you are really pretty but I like someone. I sat in shock that my crush for almost the whole school year just rejected me I said "oh well who is your crush" trying to hold back my tears. Deku said "I really like Todoroki can you help me". I didn't even have any words to when he said that I just got up off the couch with tears in my eyes and want to my dorm I couldn't be there any longer.

Deku's POV

Ochako-San come up to me and sat down I assumed that that she wanted to talk to me because she looked me dead I'm my eyes, so I asked if she needed anything and she said Yes, she told me that she liked me since the beginning of the year. I told her that I didn't like that way and that she was just a friend to me. Then she asked me who was my crush I told that I liked Todoroki and if she could help me ask him out. After that she didn't say anything she just got up and left with tears in her eyes, now I'm thinking did I do something wrong?

Asui's POV

I was at the punch bowl talking to Mina when I saw Ochako-San crying I wanted to see why she was crying, so I went up the stairs following after her, she went in her dorm. I knocked on the door to see if she would open it and she did. She said "Oh it's only you Tsu" like she expecting someone else I asked her if I could come in and to my surprise she said sure. I walked and sat on her bed. I asked her why was she crying. She said that she had asked Deku out and he rejected her. I felt so bad for her, I mean one part of me was happy because that meant that I didn't lose my chance on telling her how I felt and the other part of me felt bad because her crush had rejected her. No one likes being rejected. I told not to be so down because there was someone else out there liked her so she shouldn't keep her mind on one person and miss out on finding someone who is right for her. And with that I left room so she could cool down.

Ochako's POV

Tsu came to my room to comfort me she told me to suck it up and get over Deku or miss someone who has been waiting for me since the beginning of school. But now she got me wondering who that someone? Were they older or younger? Were they girl or a boy? Did I know them? Were they from the same class as me? Who were they? With that on my my mind I thought I would figure that out tomorrow.

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