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I left the planning room and went to the main room. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV.

"What's on the news today.."

I flipped to the news channel to see what was on. I looked at the title and immediately saw our organization name.

"Oh my god. HOST! We're on TV!" I yelled.

Most of HOST was now next to me, three of the members already sleeping. Even though it's like, 7PM.

We all looked back at the TV to see what the news has to say about us.

"Hello everyone and welcome back. Today we found out that one of the top wanted organizations, HOST, has decided to rob the local bank!"

I grinned a little bit with pride.

"They took most of what was in the vault. They took all of the gold! Most of the police officers are out looking for them to return the money and gold they stole AND to arrest them!"

"They'll never find us!" Ki cheered.

"And if we look at the wanted list and see how much money people get if they find the fugitives, we see HOST is wanted with over 500,000! And if you can see here," She gestured to DICE, "DICE is wanted for 450,000!"

I smiled brightly, before getting up from my seat and cheering. "Yes! We're above them! That's what you get clowns!" I was laughing happily until I heard the news lady add onto what she said.

"But that's not all that's exciting tonight, folks. Apparently, DICE attempted to stop the heist!"

I immediately stopped cheering and looked at the TV before sitting back down. "Excuse me?"

"DICE isn't like this, so why would they interfere their heist?" She gestured her hand next to her. "I would like to invite the wanted fugitive, Kokichi Ouma, for some questions!"

My face was fuming from anger. I threw the water bottle in my hand at the ground and stomped on it, making the water force itself out. "Bullshit! Absolute bullshit! Why didn't they arrest the damn clown!?" I knew my members were concerned for me, but they didn't interfere. They knew what happened when they tried to calm me down.

Kokichi walked next to the news lady and sat down in the seat provided for him.

"It truly is an honor to be here!" He said happily. I growled under my breath.

"So, Ouma. I have some questions to ask you." The lady said.

"What would you like to ask me?" He asked.

"Why did you interfere with HOST's heist?"

Kokichi grinned a bit before answering. "Honestly, that isn't like them. They usually do violent crimes like steal and pickpocket from people, take the food from the homeless, and one time, they set a building on fire and blew up another!" He explained.

"Those are lies you stupid clown!" I yelled in anger. "But, we did pickpocket people and blew up and set fire on buildings..." Angel said. "Grrr.. I know that! But we never did anything to the damn homeless!" I growled angrily, but still continued to watch.

𝐎𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫 | 𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now