Neverending Drugs

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POV Andrew

Thanks I really needed to hear that right now." Robin says with the cutest smile on her face. After that I could not resist. I leaned in ready to kiss her, but she meets me halfway there. Kissing with her was, amazing. She was sweet, adorable, and smart. She was my ideal girl. We made out for a while. To be honest I really wanted to go futher, but I did not want to ruin whatever chance I had with her.

"FUCK OFF OF HER!" I hear Alphas voice, and he sounds pissed "So, Andrew you decided to go after my girl!?" I turn around and look at him, and all I want to do is punch him right in the face.

"Alpha!? This is your girlfriend? Wait are you Alexander?" After I said that I knew he was the Alexander Robin was talking about.

"What? Oh, no that bitch said crap to you about me." He rushes over and grabs Robins wrist and lifts her up, it was so obvious how hard she was struggling. "What the fuck did you say to Andrew bitch!?" When I saw a tear form in her eye I could not hold back, he may be the alpha(top/leader) of the fraternity but he just pissed me off. I raise my right hand and punch him in the face.

"How could you talk to her like that!? She is amazing!" I say trying to show how much I like Robin. But before I knew it I was thrown out of the room by Aaron.

"Why Aaron, we have been friends since middle school?" I say a little hurt.

"Sorry, I can't risk getting kicked out. My family has gone here for generations." He says in a sorry tone. I get up and run, knowing the Alpha he might do something really bad. He has raped people a couple of times. I put those off, but I can't do it this time because I like Robin. No, I LOVE HER.

I run down the stairs towards the wall phone in the ping pong room. 9-1-1. It rings for only a millisecond before a lady spoke up.

"Hello sir, what is your problem?" The lady says.

"I need the cops my girlfriend is getting raped and I don't have enough power to stop it." I say worried. Wait why did I say girlfriend?

"Sir, where is the rape located?" She says with a worried tone.

"Cal Poly Alpha Epsilon Phi house, please hurry.
A few muinets later I hear sirens. A couple of cops rush in and come up to me.

"Where is the rape happening!?" He says worried.

"Upstairs room 14!" After that they rush upstairs.

POV Robin

"So bitch, you gonna take it? The drugs, or do I have to force it into you?" He says hovering over me. I turn my head trying my best to resist. "Fine be that way." A mischevious smile pops up on his face. He starts to force it down my throught, and I had to swallow. After that I felt myself get really dizzy.

After I got dizzy I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdamin. And everything got so humid. I heard laughing and woots from the goons. But then I hear the click of a gun, and the pain stops

"Stop right there, and come with me." I hear an unfamiliar voice. After that I passed out.
I wake up at Amy's apartment with everyone around me, including Andrew. I sit up and see I am in some of Amy's pajamas. "What...happened?" I say confused, "All I remember is a gun click then after that its all blur." I look at everyone. Then I realize that something happened the previous night.

"S-sorry I could not help you out, I'm not strong enough to beat the Alpha." Said Andrew with regret in his tone.

"Why do you call him Alpha? It's not like he is a werewolf." I say with a faint laughter.

"Oh, its Alpha Epsilon Phi tradition. We address our leader as Alpha, and our co-leader as Beta. So yeah sorta like we are werewolves I guess." He shrugs.

"Well anyways I'm fine so let me just go home." I say anxious to leave.

"No! You have to stay here. Your parents aren't home yet from their Jamaican trip." She says worried. I sigh and give up.

"Fine." I moan in pain.

"Are you going to be okay, they drugged you pretty hard?" Ashllyn questions.

"Yeah. I should be fine just let me rest." I turn and shut my eyes. Next thing I know I'm out.

I wake up and see Andrew's head resting on the edge of the bed. I get up and start to look around for Amy and Ashllyn. "Amy!! Ashllyn!!" I look at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. 'Three in the morning!' I think to myself. 'Why aren't Amy and Ashllyn home?' Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump back and see Andrew.

"They went to the police to talk to them about what happened." He said sluggishly.

"Why at three in the morning?" I asked confused.

"No idea, just go back to bed. Okay?" He says looking at me with a smile.

"Nah I want to just watch TV okay, I have been sleeping for hours." I walk over to the couch and sit down. He sits down next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Its going to be okay you know." He says softly.

"I know." I whisper then burry my face into his side. 'I know.'
Thank you so much for reading my story, I really appreciate it. And sorry for not updating recently I was on a family trip with no service and studying for finals. So I'm sorry and thank you for reading. (*^3^)/~☆. Bai.

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