Everlasting Love

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Pov Robin

"Robin?" I hear a faint voice "Robin?" There it is again? "Robin!?" I pop up at the third call of my name. "Robin I see you're busy cuddling your boyfriend but we have bigger problems." I open my eyes and see a ton of College guys and girls at Amy's door, including the goons from a couple nights ago. That's when I realize I'm in a baggy T-shirt and my underwear with no bra on. That's when I hear a whistle.

"Knock it off you guys!" Andrew yells as he stands in front of me. "Why are you guys even here?" He asks confused and protective.

"We were told we could find you here." A big goon said. They start to walk closer and pat Andrew on the back.

"Huh!?" He asks confused. It seems he thought they were going to attack him, and to be honest so did I.

"You may be just a freshman but you got rid of Alexander." We both still look confused. "Whoever gets rid of the Alpha becomes new Alpha." Then he look at Andrew.

"What!? I-what-no-wait-i can't!" He mumbles together.

"Too bad bro thats how it works. You are our Alpha now." To be honest he looked kind of happy, and that made me happy. I run up to hug him.

"Good job," I whisper. He squeezes me back.

"Hold up. Are you two dating!?" A guy asks kind of surprised.

"Yeah Aaron, we are why?" He asks unsure if he said the right thing. He looks down it me and I nod.

"Just wondering." Then he backs off. "I just wanted to know if that broad was free." He mumbles under his breath.

"One; we are dating. Two; get out I will be at the house soon. Three; she is NOT a broad!" He yells at Aaron. After that last comment they all left.

"New Alpha huh?" I smirk and cross my arms. "You're too nice to be Alpha." He laughs at my ridiculous comment.

"Put some cloths on." He snikers. But my face just turns red.

"I will have you know Amy did this not me.

"Was not me, not Ashllyn either." They both shake their heads. Then I glare at Andrew.

"Back off! I couldn't help myself." I roll my eyes and brush that problem to the side.

"I will go change." I prance off to Amy's bedroom. "Ashllyn can I borrow some clothes Amy's stuff is too small.

"Its 'Cause you're fat" Amy yells

"No! Its because you have no boobs!" I yell back.

"Fine but you do realize Andrew is still here." Ashllyn said. Then I realize how stupid we sounded.

"I'm leaving anyways okay." Andrew yells. I could hear the awkwardness in his voice. .
"Soo..." Ashllyn drags on,"I heard they are going to put Alexander in jail for a whole year." She says trying to make the topic sound casual.

"Let it go," I say "I don't really want to talk about it. I'm fine, okay?" She nods.
I was there for about another hour but then I felt it was time I left."Bye you guys. Thank you" I hug them and they squeeze me back.

I only live about a half a mile from Amy's so I just walked home. As I get a house away from my home I see these three guys with baggy pants and they are smoking pot. I try my best to avoid them but they just walk in my way.

"Hey girl. Where you headed off to?" The one with long blond hair asks. I look down and try to walk by them, but another one just steps infront of me.

"Don't ignore us we just wanted to get to know you?" The guy with shaggy orange hair said.

"Back. Away. Now." I say about to snap.

"What are you going to do about it doll!?" The third one said with a sniker. Right there is when I lost it.

"Look, buddy. I am not in the mood for your bullshit." I say furious, "I just got back from a frat party at CP. I just got over being raped by my ex. So fuck off will you!?" I say as I walk by. That's when they started to run. And to be honest I felt proud of myself.

I unlock the door and when I walk in I see Andrew watching TV. "How did you get into my house?" I ask confused.

"Ashllyn let me in." Then he pats the seat next to him. "Come sit." He says with a smirk on his face. Right as I sit down next to him he pulls me closer. "So you're going to Cal Poly?"

"Yaeh. Its been my dream since....forever."

"Well when you come you will be second in charge at Alpha Epsilon Phi, because you are my girlfriend." There was a small silence, "That is if you are going to join Alpha Epsilon Phi. Will you?" I think for a second before my answer.

"Of course that means we will be together even more." I say with a smile.
"Okay so Robin we decided not to go to Tahoe because of...what happened at the beginning of summer." Ashllyn says with a frown.

"But we have been planning this trip since freshman year of high school. We have to go. Amy? Do you also feel this way?" I say despreat to hear her say no.

"Yeah, we can't risk you getting even more jaded than you already are." Amy says, "So we are just not going to go. Okay?"

"Bu-but-" I start to mumble.

"No, we can't go this year. We will go next year okay?" I nod my head knowing there is no reason for me to keep trying, because they are persistant.
After a while I headed over to the AEP house to talk to Andrew. It was already July 4 and we were waiting to see fireworks.

"You okay?" Andrew chokes out.

"No! My friends said we weren't going to Tahoe for our summer trip." I say in a pity tone.

"That's okay." He wraps his arm around me, "I'm here." Right as he says those last two words the fireworks start. There were greens, reds, blues, and whites. Some big ones and some small, but the last was the best.

It was a giant heart.
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