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Wednesday, 4:23pm

I pace around the entry way of my house, waiting for Vaughan, Liam, and Ella to arrive. I texted them abruptly, receiving concerned messages back. I didn't mean to worry them, but I almost forgot something that I would have kicked myself for not doing.

"Chiara, sit down. You look like a lost rabbit." My mom says, peaking her head around from the kitchen.

"Sorry." I say, walking to the couch, but only for a second until I immediately stand back up at the sound of the door bell ringing.

I leap to the door and swing it open with a smile. The three of them looking at me like I've gone mad.

"Hi!" I exclaim, grabbing Liam's hand and pulling him inside, the other two following. I whip around and go straight to the back door, not explaining anything but assuming they will go with it.

I walk outside and stand straight on the grass, waiting for the others to stand next to me. They walk in front of me and Vaughan tosses the shovel he brought on the ground.

"Are you going to tell us why you forced us to come here with nothing but a shovel at 4:30 on a Wednesday?" Vaughan asks with his hands crossed over his chest.

I smirk and reach into the pocket of my jeans, pulling out the key that I found minutes before.

The confused look on their faces fades as they realize why I called them here.

"The time capsule." Ella says, relaxing her shoulders.

I nod and we stand there in awkward silence for a minute.

"What the hell are we waiting for?" Liam says out of the blue, making the group break into laughter. We agree and look out the the yard, ready to dig up something we buried years ago. We didn't think we would be digging it up so soon. I mean, none of us knew this was going to happen, but still. It feels like yesterday we were getting yelled at for getting dirt all over our clothes from doing this. We spent hours deciding what each of us should put in and choosing where to bury the box. Honestly, I can't remember what any of us put in, I just remember this day as one of my favorites.

"Okay, so one problem," Vaughan starts, looking around. "Where did we bury it?"

All three of them look straight at me, waiting for my answer.

"Not a clue." I say with wide eyes. I can see in their faces that they want to kill me, angry I dragged them here without any preparations.

"Nah I'm kidding, I have the map we made right here." I say, pulling out the map we drew out from my pocket.

"Oh my Lord." They say, dropping their stressed expressions.

I flatten it out with my hands and they crowd around me, looking over my shoulder to see where we marked "X."

"So...there." Ella says, pointing to the side of the yard near the shed.

We run over to the spot , taking one look at it before starting to dig. Vaughan and Liam do most of the work, Ella and I making fun of their scrawny arms. Well, Ella making fun of them and me pretending to not notice Vaughan's muscles...or Liam's to be honest.

"I really hope it's actually here and we aren't just making random holes in my yard." I laugh. We sit on the grass near the boys, watching as the clouds clear and the sun begins to lower. Time passes while we talk and mess around like any other day. We reminisce on some of the things we did the past few years. All four of us chiming in and adding pieces of stories that were missed. We spoke about the day Ella, our friends, and I went to a movie in the park. They were showing Indiana Jones, but not a single one of us payed attention for any bit of the film. Instead, we laughed and took pictures and layed on a blanket in the grass. Ella mentioned the time our friend group did an escape room for my birthday one year. If I could describe that experience in one word it would be "chaos." But chaos or not, there was never a dull moment when we all hung out together.

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