• Chapter 16 •

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Briana's POV—————————————————

I was in the car with cameron going back to the house he was staying at. He said everyone there would be at the party so i didn't need to worry about them being weird. After about a 10 minute drive we got out of the car and he lead me inside.

" Do you want anything to eat?" He said leading me to the kitchen.

" No i'm good thank you though" I said smiling.

" We can chill down here or my room" He said. I could tell he wanted me to choose.

" Is your room cool?" I asked laughing a bit. He nodded his head then led me to the room. It was. This house was super nice and the room wasn't really decorated because he's a boy but also it's not his room room.

We sat in his bed by the headboard and leaned up against it.

" So briana when are you leaving la" He asked looking over at me locking our eyes.

" I leave on thursday" I said smiling lightly at him. He's so hot it's like physically painful.

" Oh ok i leave next saturday. We should definitely hang when we both get back in massachusetts" He said smiling at me.

" Yeah of course" I said blushing a little bit.

" You don't have a boyfriend right?" He asked smirking a little bit.

" No i would never cheat" I said laughing. I hope i don't give off cheater vibes.

" How long have you known those triplets? You seem close with them" He asked. I could tell he wanted to get to know me more.

" I met chris in sixth grade then a week later i met matt and nick and we live like 10 minutes away from each other so we grew up together and i'm always with them. I feel like a mom sometimes" I said laughing at the last sentence.

" They seem cool" He said smiling. He gave off no jealous vibes so that was really good. Plus 10 points for real.

" Has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" He said looking even deeper into my eyes. My head immediately went to chris because he always compliments them. I quickly shook the thoughts though.

" Says you. You're eyes are really pretty. They're like honey" I said smiling and blushing under his gaze.

My eyes shifted to his lips and his did the same. Before i could react we both leaned it and gently pressed our lips together.

I wrapped my hands around his neck lightly playing with the back of his hair. His hands wrapped around my waist. He made the kiss a little deeper which i didn't mind. He wasn't moving too fast or getting touchy which made me really happy.

I shifted on to his lap so now i was straddling him. The kiss was getting more heated but cameron pulled away. I was getting flashbacks the whole kiss of me on top of chris and us kissing but it's not fair to cameron so i shook them off.

" Are you okay? Am i making you uncomfortable?" I asked getting off his lap with a worried look on his face.

" No you're not i promise" He said lightly laughing. God that would've been awkward if he said yes.

" I just don't want to move fast and hook up. I just want to get to know you and i don't want you to feel like i view you a quick fuck" He said lightly smiling and looking over at me. And he knows how to communicate?! He's perfect.

" Yeah yeah same" I said smiling. I checked my phone and saw it was 11:30. I kind of panicked because madis house is kind of far away.

" Hey do you think you could take me home? It's pretty late and i need to get some sleep" I said starting to stand up and stretch a bit.

" Yeah just hook your phone up to my car" Cameron said smiling.

She grabbed his keys and we went downstairs to put our shoes on. We got in the car and i got my phone hooked up to play music and give directions. About halfway through the ride he put his hand in my thigh and my stomach filled up with butterflies.

After about 30 minutes we pulled in madis driveway.

" Bye cameron thank you" I said giving him a quick peck. He said bye and watched me get inside then pulled away. Little stuff like that makes me happy.

" Bri who were you making out with?" Nick asked laughing.

" No one nick" I said laughing but quickly pulled out my phone to see my lips were a little bit swollen.

" You left with that guy?" Chris asked with just a blank expression.

" Yeah did that girl bring you home?" I said with the same expression.

" Nah" Was all chris said before going downstairs.

" Okay that's werid" Matt said pointing at chris going down the stairs and me.

I went downstairs to grab clothes out of my suitcase because i can't keep wearing madis. She's going to have no clothes. I got down there and saw chris laying on the bed by my suitcase.

" Did you actually makeout with that dude" Chris asked with the same blank stare.

" Yeah and his names cameron" I said not looking at him but looking at my suitcase. I heard him scoff once i said that.

" What chris" I said getting my clothes and standing up meeting eyes with him.

" Just doesn't seem like you that's all" He said now crossing his arms over his chest with his head leaned back on the wall a bit.

" Doesn't seem like you to be hooking up with a random girl in a bathroom" I said laughing a little. A bitchy laugh though.

" I didn't hook up with her we just made out just like you and cameron and her names sadie" Chris said. I could tell he was mocking me.

" Why are you being an asshole right now chris" I said getting annoyed with this duchebag attitude.

" I'm not i'm just trying to figure out this guy to make sure you're not a quick fuck to him" Chris said sitting up a bit more.

" He doesn't and you're not my dad or my boyfriend so it's really none of your concern" I said with a fake smile.

" I'm you're best friend though so yeah it does concern me bri" He said now giving me a cold expression.

" I'm not going to sit here and go back and forth with you. Talk to me when you're not going to be an asshole and judge me for having fun because i'm not judging you for making out with someone in a dirty ass bathroom. Goodnight chris" I said walking out of the room and up the stairs.

" Goodnight guys" I said to madi, nick, and matt in the living room. They all said goodnight and once i got into madis bathroom and changed i just cried. Chris is being different and just seeing him do that with a random girl two days after he kissed me made me mad. Oh well cameron's a friend and he's a really good one right now unlike chris.

Authors Note—————————————————————————

• I will be doing time skips just for the sake of my brain and fingers.

• Chris starting shit again per usual

• ENJOY!!!!!!!!

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