Part Two - Chapter Thirteen

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"Oh, thank god." Jonathan had spoken upon seeing Steve and Allison exiting her room, quickly walking in their direction. He had been next to Joyce, who also turned around, expression matching that of gratitude. Steve removed his hold from under the brunette's arm as Jonathan wrapped his arms around his sister, holding the back of her head as he shut his eyes tightly. Joyce took her turn after, examining her daughters injured state with a solemn look. "I'm so glad you're okay sweetheart." The Byers woman spoke into her daughter's ear, gently rubbing her back as she pulled from the embrace, moving her hands to hold Allison's face. "You too." The brunette replied, looking from her brother to her mom.

"We... we have a plan. Do you think you'll be able to support yourself?" Joyce questioned the hazel-eyed girl, who looked to Steve. "I think so. It hurts like hell, but I can move." Allison replied, returning her gaze to her mother. "We're going to the shed, Hopper already took Will in. All we have to do now is wake him up... and try to get him back." Jonathan chimed in, gesturing towards the shed behind. "Okay... then let's get him back." Allison responded, nodding to her family.

Joyce and Allison headed outside as Jonathan stayed back for a moment, thanking Steve for taking care of his sister. He, along with Mike, joined Hopper, Joyce, Allison, and Will in the shed, preparing themselves. "Alright, you ready?" Hopper asks Joyce, gaining her approval. He opens a container of Bo Peep ammonia, pouring the liquid onto a cotton ball, and placing it under Will's nose. Within milliseconds, the boy jolts awake, gasping for air.

His eyes wander the room, struggling against the ropes restraining him. "What- What is this?" He stammers, squinting from the bright light facing him as he continues to squirm. "What is this? Why am I tied up!?" His tone raises, becoming aggravated. Joyce leaves her spot next to her eldest children, crouching down in front of her youngest. "Will, we just wanna talk to you. We're not gonna hurt you."

"Where am I?" He shouts angrily, disregarding Joyce's words. Hopper joins her side, leaning over to be at the boys' eye level as he holds up Will's 'mind flayer' drawing; "You recognize this? Do you recognize this?" He questions, asking harsher the second time. The brown eyed boy shakes his head in return, his attention being brought back to his mother. "Hey. We wanna help you... But to do that, we have to understand how to kill it."

"Why am I tied up!?" Will shouts in her face, startling Allison. He proceeds to shout it repeatedly, his voice becoming louder as Hopper attempts to hold him down when he begins to throw himself back and forth against the restraints. The lights begin to flicker as the Byers boy yells, drawing the rooms attention away from the boy, and to the lights. "Let me go! Let me go!"

Will's voice becomes demonic, twisting in a deeper, unfamiliar tone, squirming violently. It feels like Allison's back in the lab, watching as her younger brother struggles against Bob, now Hopper; a stranger taking over his body. Jonathan's hand clasps onto his sisters as fear washes over him, new to this experience. He had tears in his eyes as his heart panged at the sight before him; Will slowly beginning to calm down as the lights return to normal. Heavy breathing fills the room, with racing hearts and dry throats, terror tolling on their hearts.

Joyce sits in the chair across from her son, beginning to attempt to reach him, followed by Jonathan, who spoke of the day Lonnie had left, when Will and him had built castle Byers- an experience Allison missed out on since she was away with Steve. She stepped up next, standing beside Jonathan as he finished talking, trying to reach him too. "Will, do you remember when I gave you Thumper? Mom and Dad were fighting in the kitchen... and you must've been only been in third grade... but I- I told you how important he was to me, and how you were too. I told you that by giving him to you, I was giving you my heart- and my love... that no matter where you might be, as long as you had Thumper, you were safe. My love would protect you from anything- all you had to do was squeeze him tight, and I would be with you."

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