Have you ever met someone with a ridiculous amount of attractiveness? Yeah, you wanna be hot too? It is my sense to show you how you can acquire being more appealing. This chapter is about getting a more attractive personality, cause it's not all about looks. But soon I will complete a chapter about how to level up your appearance.
Now of course there's always a girl who is like HOT HOT, but often looks are not the essential stage for being attractive. Nobody wants to be friends with a person, who is kinda hot but has the shittiest personality. If you say now "but they still have boyfriends or girlfriends and they carry like the biggest friend group!?"... Yeah, perhaps in high school, but nobody enjoys spending their entire life with an uninteresting, bland or idiotic person.In the following, I will list some simple things you can try to change. Sometimes little things can go a long way.
Disclaimer: I will not talk about weight or height, since I don't think it has something to do with our beauty.
Maybe I will talk about food, but not at all about calories. Simply what IS full of vitamins and naturally healthy for you! (Healthy does NOT signify low in calories)
So if you should recover, it's safe for you to read.Maintaining yourself physically as furthermore mentally busy
What I am saying is, that it is significantly attractive to have a hobby. In general, it is pleasing to be occupied. Not "never have time-busy", though "owning a life-busy". I consider this a fair opportunity for you to test a new hobby. If it is financially imaginable, I highly recommend something where you are committed to going. For example horseback riding classes or Yoga lessons. While of course, something you can do without money works just as sufficiently.Invariably it is absolutely attractive to be physically active. I am not at all stating it is necessarily to look athletic to be attractive no, I am saying it is engaging to actually be kinda athletic.
Cause if you do sports then that is, most of the time, pretty healthy. And since being healthful is very appealing, soooooooo...., despite that's an own topic for itself.
The same for being intellectual. It is super compelling if you can talk with a person for hours without having to explain every second word. If the person just vibes with you. And it is way more easy to vibe with someone else if you have some knowledge.I will add point for point so please have patience.
Also i would love to hear some feedbackXOXO angel 💋
How to be an IT-Girl
Storie d'amoreThis book is really about becoming the best version of yourself You always wanted to be an IT-Girl? The girl everybody likes? The girl everybody wants to be? You want the best summer of your life while getting to know yourself? Keep reading, cause i...