Chapter 15 - attraction

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Harry's POV
I wake up with a nasty headache and a sour taste in my mouth. Ew, just ew. I groggily get up and walk to the kitchen to get some water where I find Liam passed out on the couch still wearing his Batman costume.

I get a glass of water and down that before immediately getting another glass. I find some headache medication and by the time I've taken that Liam is now awake.

I slump my way over to the couch and sit down. Liam groans and takes off his Batman mask which was probably limiting his breathing.

"Hey," he greets in a low voice.

"Hey," I say back and press my fingers to my temples, "What the fuck happened last night?"

"I have no idea," Liam mumbles, "But you can probably ask Louis since you were with him the whole time."

"I was?" I question with wide eyes.

"Obviously," Liam answers and then shifts forward to get a good look at me, "Hey, um, you know it's okay if you and Louis are like together, you know."

"What?!" I shout and immediately regret it as me and Liam both wince at the loud noise, "W-why would you say that? We're not together," I state.

"Oh, well, forget I said anything then," he brushes off the topic and then moves to lay back down.

I sigh and get up, figuring I should give Liam some space to sleep. I'm just about to start walking away when I hear Liam's voice.

"By the way, you have white face paint in your hair," he says with a smirk.

My eyes bulge out of my head and I immediately rush to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and HOLY SHIT I look fucked. Literally.

My body is covered in small little love bites, my gold shorts look completely worn out, and like Liam said, my hair is full of white face paint.

What the fuck happened last night?? Did I seriously hook up with some random girl or? I mean I'm not sure how else I would explain all these marks.

I shake my head and run a hand through my hair noticing how some of the paint falls out. Well I guess I should take a shower then.

I go into my room and pick out a pair of clothes that will hopefully cover all of the marks and love bites. I turn the shower on and step into it once the water has heated up. I stay there for a good minute trying to think calmly and let my thoughts and memories recollect themselves from last night.

"You're so cute when you laugh," I say as I boop Louis on the nose.

Louis giggles and smiles at me, "You're cute all the time Mr. Curly Headed Man."

I feel myself blush and I hide it by snuggling into Louis' side. He laughs and holds me close before immediately pulling away. I look up at him with a dejected pout.

"My face itches," he states, "Help me take my makeup off," Louis pulls on my arm to get me up.

"But you look so good in makeup," I whine.

Louis stops and looks at me with big innocent eyes, "Please."

I crumble almost instantly and allow myself to be dragged up the stairs by Louis. We enter the bathroom and lock it behind us while Louis looks for makeup wipes. He finds them and then sits on the toilet waiting for me to wipe his makeup off for him. I roll my eyes with a smile and lean down to gently wipe at Louis' face.

After a few minutes most of the makeup has rubbed off and now I can finally move to his red lips. The one thing I was dreading cleaning off of Louis.

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