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Sevastian's pov:
I woke up and looked over. Annabel wasn't there but a note was. My hand trembled as I read it. I was wondering why I was so comfortable here, but last night, I remembered you. The coward who left me when I need you the most. How dare you bring me back to this forsaken place, as if I needed another reason to hate you! "Spencer," I called, opening the door to see his bright green eyes staring into mine. "She remembers. We need to find her."


I spotted my beloved, my other half, playing into sand box and walked over, my heart rate increasing with ever step. Time to reel her in... "hi." She looked up, her brows furrowed in confusion as she searched my face for any recognizable traits. When she doh none,  she came to a simple conclusion. "Stranger," she yelled pointing at me, green eyes becoming glassy.

"I'm okay. I'm not going to hurt you.." I promised, and I dodnt, we'll not intentionally. When she was 12 I had to stay with my father to learn how to be a proper pyreblood, and it was that year her mother died. She needed me, and I wasn't there.

Flashback Over

This time i wouldn't let her go. With a new found determination i raced into the woods - the place where she always went when she was upset - and trotted to sniff her out. It took a little over three hours, but I finally sniffed her out. She sat at the top of a tree, crying on one of the branches furthest from the ground. She knew I was afraid of heights.


The suttle sway of the tree could be explained away by the persistent gusts of wind, but the hand on my shoulder couldn't. I jumped away from him, landing unsteadily on a ground I could view only from behind a screen of tears. Before I could gain proper footing, he pushed me against a tree. My eyes fluttered closed, almost instinctually, and his lips pressed hesitantly against mine. I moaned softly, the sound quickly being carried away by the wind, and opened my mouth, allowing him access despite the rational part of my head screaming for me not to. For a moment, I forgot about him being a vampire, or our meeting all those years ago, and lived my own world. A world where this didn't feel so wrong, a world when my mind and body agreed, a world where I could be his bride, even if just for a day.

The dagger felt as though it weighed two tons as I drove it into his heart. "Love is given, revenge is earned.
Play by the fire, your bound to get burned."

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