2: F.E.A.R* rewritten

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(Papa Roach - F.E.A.R)

When I come back to school that next week I wear one of the outfits I bought which consists of a dark green high waist skirt, a purple lace long sleeved crop top, dark grey knit thigh highs, and black leather lace up ankle boots. Yes, I cross dress. There is nothing wrong with it.

When we get to school Lia goes off to her friends while Vincent, Spencer, and I head inside to our lockers where Dash is waiting. Whispers floating around us are either lewd, about the whole mate rejection and acceptance to said rejection thing. I just ignore them and carry on because I could care less.

I get everything that I need out of my locker and heads to my class with a 'fuck you and fuck everything else' attitude. While dragging Vincent along behind me to our first class.

After the bell rings Wyatt and Spencer walk in late as usual before sitting down. He doesn't make a jab at me and Vincent like he usually does, he just sits in his desk.


'First the random stomach pain every so often and now this behavior. I am so confused.'

At lunch Yuna is looking at me like she wants my head on a stick. I can't blame her though Wyatt isn't her true mate and never will be. Not to mention she like the others witnessed the rejection and me accepting it. Is she stupid? Is she seriously that stupid? She apparently doesn't get the memo because she mouths a word that makes me want to get up. But I don't. I do however feel a presence behind me though.

I look behind me to see that it's a lycan. Jasper to be exact.

"I need to talk to you Pup."

My eyes widen before nodding. I turn my attention to my friends who nods before I get up to follow him. The two of us leave the cafeteria to the student parking lot.

"Mind going on a ride with me somewhere?" He asks.

"No, I don't mind."

"That's good because I want to take you somewhere," he says as I follow him to his car.

The two of us gets in his car and leaves.

We ride for a while in silence before turning off the main road onto a private gated drive.

'I hope that this belongs to him. If not, I hope he knows the person that owns it. I would like to not be arrested for trespassing on private property.'

I know he can sense I'm scared. Hell, I would be able to if I didn't already know it only if it was someone else.

"Pup, I'm not going to hurt you. I would never do such a thing. I'd hurt my own self before I ever thought of doing so to you. I am just taking you somewhere private so that we can talk with no interruptions and to calm you down."

"Um, do you by any chance own this or do you know the owner because I would like to not be arrested for trespassing. Wh... why are you doing this?" I ask making him chuckle.

"I don't own it myself no. Yes, I do know the owner. He is after all my cousin. He lets me come often since he knows like the silence of the wilderness more than being around people. I will explain the rest of your question when we get to where we are going," he says before stopping the car and turns it off.

"Come on we have to walk the rest of the way or do you want me to carry you?" He asks opening his door.

"C... C... Carry." I stutter out answering him while opening my door.

He smiles and nods before getting out closing his door behind him. He walks around and picks me up out of the car, closing the door, and locks it before he walks us into the woods. He walks for about six minutes before stopping.

"Close your eyes and listen," he whispers into my ear since my head is laying on one of his shoulders.

I do just what he told me to do and closes my eyes and listens.

If I wasn't a werewolf I probably wouldn't be able to hear it. It's a good bit farther away but I hear it clearly; it's a waterfall, not to big and not to small.

Jasper walks us the remainder of the way to the waterfall and sets me down.

It looks like a picture that I have never seen, it is so beautiful. The canopy of the trees gives enough sunlight to make the water sparkle as it runs down and into the blue pool below.

Jasper waits patiently as I look at the scenery before me.

The first time I met Jasper was at the showroom my family owns when I was ten. Let me reword that. The first time I met all of the lycans from school apart from the only girl lycan was at the Showroom.

I had been putting some of my new pictures up on the wall while my parents were attending to other things when they came up to me. Jasper was the one who asked me who took the pictures that were on most of the walls. I told him... them that it was multiple different people who took the pictures. He made a point of showing me the pictures that he was talking about. I realized that they were mine and had stuttered out that they were mine while looking down blushing. I didn't expect all four of them to buy the one plus seven more, eight in total. Which means two for all four of them. My parents were proud of me when I told them what happened.

I turn my attention back to Jasper after looking around at the scenery so that he knows that I'm ready for him to explain to me on why he brought me here.

He motions for me to sit on a nearby rock with him.

"How much do you know about lycans Pup?" He asks.

"Um... well, not much to be honest, only that you guys don't have a mate. You pick your own. You're not considered rogues when leaving your pack, and that you are highly dangerous." I say making him nod his head.

"You are correct. Our true instincts guides us to our mates. Unlike you werewolves, we can't reject our mate. We have to have our mate. Our mate is everything to us. They are what ground us and makes us stay sane. If something happens to our mate, we would rather die than to not avenge their death unless we understand the circumstances on how they died. Seeing our mate for the first time is a pull in our chest that's like a anchor at the bottom of the ocean floor connected to the ship above waiting to be pulled up," he says as a question pops up in my head.

"Um, not to be rude but uh why... why are you discussing this with um me?" I ask genuinely confused.

"Because you, my Pup, are my mate," he says looking me in the eyes.

"You're... I'm.... Uh... I'm your what now? I'm not sure if I heard you correctly. Did you say that I was your mate?" I ask confused.

"You heard correctly Pup. You are my mate. If I had known back then that you were going to be rejected and you would have accepted it I would have claimed you as mine but not in the sense that I would have gone to jail. It would have been more through mind and soul. I did however claim you through scent," he says.

"Your your wolf recognizes my scent which is why you're not intimidated like other werewolves would be," he states watching my reaction making him smile before he chuckles once again.

'What the hell he looks like a whole ass bunny when he smiles. What I said, a fucking bunny. He can look like a whole ass meal and be fucking cute at the same time now I can die in piece.... good bye world it's been fun.'

"It's pretty cute and very entertaining to watch as you get lost in your head. I need to add one more thing, Lycans can bite where ever they want on the body, not just one designated spot like werewolves. You have a choice, I'm not going to force you to be mine. I'm giving you the option to say you'll be mine or not. I'm going to let you absorb what I have said to you and give you your time."

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