16: More Than You'll Ever Know* rewritten

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Nathan Sykes - More Than You'll Ever Know

After about thirty minutes of me just laying there I decide to call Elijah's mom.

"Hi Jasper, what can I do for you?" His mom asks as soon as she answers the phone.

"If you can, can you, your husband, and Lia get everything set up?" I ask.

"Yeah, we can. You okay? You still want it in the same place?"

"Yes ma'am. Do you remember where it is?"

"Yes, I remember."

"Alright, if you need help I'll be sending Spencer and Dash your way."

"Ok that's fine. Well anyways I'll let you go so that you can get some rest. We don't need you being jet lagged which will end up with you passing out because of exhaustion. That's not a good look or Impression you're trying to make when you're proposing," she says while laughing slightly.

"Yeah you're right. Well I'll let you be and get some rest so I won't let you all down and be a disappointment by passing out."

"Alright hun, bye," she says before hanging up.

I text Spencer asking if he and Dash can help Elijah's parents set up everything. He responds immediately telling me that they can help before telling me to get some rest as well before I put my phone on the charger and turns my phone off before going to sleep.

I am woken up by Erris an hour before we land. I get ready and refrain from waking Elijah up.

Once we land I continue to let Elijah sleep while the rest of us gets our things off of it and into our vehicles. Once we are done I get Eli and place him in the car before driving to our house. Tryst unlocks the door as the rest of us gets out of our vehicles. I get Eli out of the car and takes him into our room before getting our things out brings them inside to our room with the help of the others.

Once we're all done I take Erris and Vincent aside.

"Elijah's parents, sister, Spencer, and Dash are setting up everything. When Elijah wakes up I want the two of you to help him pick out what to wear. Also when it's time I'll be gone to the spot so when the both of you are done get everyone else and heads there and get to your spots with your piece of paper along with your roses. Spencer will be here to pick him up when you all leave. Let him sleep until I tell when it's time for him to get ready. In the mean time go spend time with your mates." I say making them nod before leading heading in their own directions.

I go out back heading to my now fix studio and draws what is on my mind.

"Proposing to our son are you?" A male voice says making me jump slightly before turning around to see Elijah godly parents.

"Yes, I am. Do I need your permission as well?" I ask making them laugh.

"No child, Elijah is your mate and we respect that." Eclipsa says making me nod.

"We know that you will do anything to protect Elijah and anyone else in thats important to you. Be careful around here. You all need to hurry and figure out things then move. This place is no longer safe for you. The Alpha is planning something along with a few council members." Sephtis says making me nod.

"I'll talk to the others along with Elijah's family and friends on what to do."

"That's all we needed to say. Oh! And give you this to give to Elijah." Eclipsa says before manifesting a beautiful Galaxy stone ring and a matching choker.

"They belong to Araeson. He gave them to me in hopes of giving them to a descendant of his as a keepsake or something to propose to their mate with. That's what he told me. I think he knew I was going to have Elijah. Along with the fact that you, his descendant was going to be the mate of Elijah. He just never said anything," she says holding onto Sephtis.

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