14: Aftermath* rewritten

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As Lions - Aftermath

Japser's POV

They weren't wrong when they said that Somnus would visit but it wasn't the way you would think but he only visited Jasper and I.

"You would think that the Sun gods would manifest in the light instead of darkness and not come from the underworld but that's exactly where they reside. The same goes for the Moon goddesses. This is not why I'm visiting the both of you instead of all seven of you. I am here to discuss Jasper's lineage. Elijah, you aren't the only one that has powers. You are however a god whereas your mate isn't, he just has some blood coursing through him. Jasper, you may not be the son of the gods but you are a descendant of one on your fathers side; the god of galaxies, Araeson. He is my brother along with Thanatos who is the god of death. Our parents are Nyx the goddess of night and Erebus the god of darkness. The seven Sun gods and the seven moon goddesses are mates. The rest of us don't have that privilege which is why many gods and goddesses don't stay loyal to their partners. Since we don't have a mate some of us either choose to stay alone for reasons or we are looking but haven't found the right someone yet. Araeson is one of those that is looking but hasn't found the right one yet he. At first he thought he had once, as to why you are apart of his blood line Jasper. Why he isn't the one telling you this is because the moon goddesses forbid him from meeting you and you don't want to be on their hate list. I don't know what he did for them to do that, you'd have to ask yourself but I'm pretty sure it was Cynthia who ordered it. She has never liked him and forced her sisters to go against him. Eclipsa is the main one who showed resistance because the two were really close like brother and sister. She was extremely happy that the both of you were mates, so was Araeson. Jasper while Elijah is training with his parents, aunts, and uncles you will be with me learning your powers as well. You won't have as many as Elijah since you don't have as much god blood in you as he does. Why me? Well, that's because Araeson asked me to and Thanatos can't since he doesn't have the time according to him. The man never takes time off. He seriously needs a break once in a while. Also, why Eli's parents, aunts, and uncles didn't tell you this themselves well that's because they couldn't. Cynthia has last say unless Amun has a say in it and he rarely ever gets involved with anything anymore. Anyways, that's why I come and visited you both. I've stayed longer than I should have and you both really need your sleep. I'll see you when Elijah is with his parents, aunts, and uncles." Somnus says fading away leaving Elijah and I in darkness before the both of us fall into darkness.

What seems like minutes in the dream realm is actually seconds in reality. What seems like hours is minutes.

Hours pass by. I don't know the actual time but when I "wake up" Somnus is in front of me.

I get up from the the ground before looking around. We are in a blue shimmering field that seems to glow fluorescently.

"Wow." I say as I continue to look around before looking up to see a sparkling vast void of space above me.

"This is Araeson's dimension. He actually made it. He made it the way he wanted it. He calls it Paravern. He only allows a select few people to come here. Those select few are Thanatos, you, Elijah, and me. Since Elijah is your mate you're allowed to bring him here. I had a talk with Araeson about it so you won't get in trouble with him for bringing Elijah here. I had thought he wasn't going to let you. Plus, this is hidden away from the other gods and goddesses so they don't know where we are. Now, let's get on with your training. First off there are three types of warriors Sun, Moon, and Galaxy. Elijah is both Sun and Moon. Since you are directly related to Araeson. You have Galaxy Warrior in your blood. Galaxy warriors are a much more elite group. We only surface when we are absolutely needed. Alright, before we get to your Galaxy Warrior training we need to get all you powers over with. You more or less have three powers that will either compliment Elijah's but also probably not. To call forth your powers close your eyes and think of it as a ball of energy in your chest. Let it expand to the point it's almost covering your entire body. Before it completely consumes you divide it up into three equal parts. Alright, once they are in three equal parts grab one and push the other two to the sides. Once that's done take the one you have in your hand then push it into your hand. When it's completely in your hand tell me what energy you feel from it."

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