12: Warrior* rewritten

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ATREYU/Travis Barker - WARRIOR

"Tell me what's up with Elijah's parents and sister. Are they really ok?" I ask after I wake up to Tryst and Kyle talking.

"Yeah, they are safe. They know that we are headed to Seoul. They were just used as a ruse to get someone to call and check on them. I'm guessing the Moon goddesses didn't let her harm or kill Elijah's parents. But anyways we all need to get some sleep. Go to one of the three bedrooms, Tryst and Erris will take one while Jayce, Vincent, and I gets the last. Someone will come wake us up if need be." Kyle says making Tryst, Jayce, and I nod our heads since we are the only three awake.

We unbuckle ourselves before doing the same to our mates. We pick them up and heads to towards the bedrooms. I open the door to the first room to see it's decorated like the sunrise with orange, reds, and yellows. I move on to the next to see that it's decorated in blues, white, pink, and reds like a picture of a frozen land with poppies coming up. I move on to the last where it's decorated in dark purple, green, silver, and gold. I walk into the room and places Elijah on the bed before closing the door and lays down on the bed myself before drifting back to sleep.

Later, I am woken up by Kyle shaking me.

"Jasper, wake up. You need to wake up Eli as well. We will be landing in two hours. The two of you and Jayce has been asleep the entire flight."

"Ok, I'm... I'm awake. I'll get Elijah up. Is there any food fixed?" I groan out.

"Yeah, Erris fixed something and let you, Elijah, and Jayce sleep. Now I have to go wake Jayce up and don't go back to sleep. Erris will come in here and wake you up if you do." Kyle says before leaving closing the door behind him.

"Eli baby, you need to wake up." I say making him groan.

"Come on you need to get up." I say making him groan once again.

"We are about to land in about two hours. Erris wants everyone awake love."

"But whyyy?" He asks whining tiredly making me chuckle.

"I don't know baby. All I know is that we don't want him coming in here to get us."

"Okay," he says reluctantly before sitting up after I do the same.

I get up out of the bed and goes over to the bags that I had brought onto the plane and get out the pair of clothes that put in there for us to change into.

"You want to take a shower first or do you want me too?" I ask him.

"I....... shower first," he sassy barely getting the words out as he lets out a yawn.

"Ok baby." I say before sitting on the bed handing him his clothes as he gets off the bed and heads into the bathroom.

As soon as I hear the shower turn on. I get up and goes to where the others except for Jayce are sitting and talking.

"Where's Eli?" Vincent asks once he notices me.

"He's taking a shower." I answer making him nod.

"Why did we have to get up two hours before landing?" Vincent asks making me realize that he had just gotten up himself.

"Because some of you take an hour to get ready." Erris says nonchalantly.

"No one is eating until everyone gets in here," he says making the other groan making me chuckle before heading back to the room I had just come out of to hear the shower still going.

A couple minutes later it turns off and I hear shuffling. Not long after I hear the sink running to signal that he's brushing his teeth before opening the door and walks out.

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