After the Russians almost successfully opened the gate, Hazel Henderson has now been let in on the truth behind Hawkins's curse.
Hazel is trying to forget the horrors of her past and what she witnessed on July 4, 1985, but her nightmares are constan...
"I tapped on your window on your darkest night. The shape of you was jagged and weak. There was nowhere for me to stay, but I stayed anyway."
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warnings : swearing use of drugs and alcohol mature situations violence trauma: childhood/parental, death of a friend, relationship sexual situations
will mention spoilers
"The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty. Never more to go astray. The judge will have revenge today on the wanted man."
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renegade ~ styx renegade ~ big red machine ft. taylor swift all my ghosts ~ lizzy mcalpine i was made for loving you ~ kiss low key in love ~ the struts and paris jackson mad woman ~ taylor swift funeral ~ pheobe bridgers kyoto ~ pheobe bridgers dancing with your ghost ~ sasha alex sloan hallucinogenics ~ matt maeson ft. lana del rey daddy issues ~ the neighborhood