WHEN I MOVED to Hawkins, Indiana the first friend I made was Nancy Wheeler. It was the first day of seventh grade and we sat next to each other in science class. She was reading the Sweet Valley High series by Francine Pascal and we whispered about the characters in the book while Mr. Clarke went over what we were going to learn this year in science. Nancy became my best friend instantly. We talked every day on the phone with each other and gossiped about boys and freaked out over The Beatles. It was nice when our brothers became friends and we'd go over to each other's houses to sleep over. It became convenient that Dustin and I could go over the Wheeler's together when our mom started taking more night shifts.
Then we entered high school and we met Barbara. The tight duo became a trio. But then Nancy started hanging out with Steve Harrington and his friends and started leaving me and Barb behind.
I hated Steve Harrington. I hated him for changing Nancy and stealing her away from me. Barb held out hope, but I couldn't stick around seeing Nancy choose to leave us behind. I focused on my clarinet and the track team.
I met Robin in band and Malia on the track team. Robin made fun of my choice to play the clarinet instead of something cooler like the trumpet. Malia was my only competition on the team and kept me motivated. I no longer had Nancy, but sadly I no longer felt like I needed her.
Then Will Byers disappeared.
Barbara too.
And Nancy was broken.
We were broken.
But we were still so distant even after mourning Barbara together. I knew Barbara was dead. No body was found, but I knew her and she wouldn't have just run away like this. Yet, I still hoped one day she would come back to us. But my hopes were diminished when a story went around that leaks from Hawkin's Lab caused Barbara to die. To cover up their mistake they covered up Barbara's death.
I sat next to Nancy at Barbara's funeral.
We were friends once again, but it wasn't like how it was before. We didn't call each other up to talk about silly little crushes and what happened at school that day. We no longer held sleepovers or baked cupcakes in the middle of the night. But we sat together at lunch and would seek each other out at parties. She poked fun at me for dating Jason Carver after giving her shit about dating a jock like Steve Harrington. She was also there when I broke up with him.
I went from hating Steve Harrington to him being the new person I call and gossip about relationships with. Just as we were doing now in my bedroom, eating the last of the s'mores we brought up from the kitchen while Steve told Robin, Malia, and I over the phone about how he colossally fucked up the date with Claudette Finely.
"Steve, how do you not know how to change a tire?" Robin laughed.
It was getting close to midnight and Steve had called Malia, Robin, and me on my bedroom phone. Robin was right from the beginning, he was definitely going to call. I mean it was Claudette Finely for Christ's sake.
My room was small but cozy. The walls were painted forest green and my bed was covered in a mirage of throw blankets and mishappen pillows. My shelves were filled with second-hand books and my windowsill supported my array of crystals. In the summer mornings, the sun would catch the quartz and fill the room with rainbows. I hung up posters of Simon & Garfunkle, concert tickets, and polaroids of my friends and memories on the walls. This room was my comfort.
The three of us were draped across my bed as we gathered around the phone.
"Robin, you don't even have a car," Steve shot back.
renegade - e. munson
FanfictionAfter the Russians almost successfully opened the gate, Hazel Henderson has now been let in on the truth behind Hawkins's curse. Hazel is trying to forget the horrors of her past and what she witnessed on July 4, 1985, but her nightmares are constan...