Chapter 28 D.C.

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After days of driving, restocking at random Walmarts, crying, arguing, sleeping and eating, the eight kids entered Virginia. It was crawling with people. The kids hadn't seen these many humans in one place in many years.

Jett was thanking the good Lord that the windows were tinted. Otherwise, the two police cars they'd already passed would've arrested them all by now. Primzo was heard in the back, eagerly whining and growling.

When they were forced to stop at a red light, a large group of kids and an eighteen or nineteen-year-old were crossing the street, being led by a police officer.

"Holy shit!" April exclaimed.

"That's Genesis!" Jett added.

"What?!" Most of the kids responded, scrambling to get a better look. They all intently watched as the kids and Zelek walked away. Jett snapped out of her gaze as the light turned green.

"Wonder what they're doing in Virginia." Marie said, going back to staring at her almost-dead "testing" phone.

Jett suddenly sniffed the air, "Guys, I just realized something."

"What?" Toby and April asked.

"Heheh, we haven't showered in decades."

"Oh my goodness, yeah I smell it!" April agreed. Everybody began sniffing the air.

"Is there like, a hotel or something we can stop at?" Akio asked, really wanting to get out of the car and away from the other kids.

"Oh! I think I see a Drury Inn!" Heidi pointed out the window to the right. She was correct, a burgundy-colored sign stood just to their right, reading, "Drury Inn".

Jett said, "But... We don't have any money."

"Aaaaaggghhggggghhh..." Jackson groaned, shaking his head in random directions. His hair flying all over the place.

"Well," Jett began, "We could pretend to be homeless kids and go around whining for showers. That sounds good, right?"

"No, Jett," April disagreed from beside her, "No, it doesn't."

"Excuse me, stranger?" Jett said in a high-pitched, whiny voice, "Can I just borrow your bathtub for a second? I haven't showered in weeks. It's pretty fuckin' bad." She lowered her voice at the last part, making herself sound like Satan or something. April and Heidi chuckled.

"Accurate, Jett." Joseph stated.

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After driving for about six hours, the Vertigo Project had to fill up the gas tank.

"How in the mother of fuck are we going to do that and not get caught?" Heidi asked.

"No clue." Jett replied, then her head darted up in realization, "I got it! We could pull into a gas station, and I could get in and out on April's side. If anybody asks or says anything, I'll just say that I'm the one who fills up the gas tank and not the driver since I need to learn valuable life skills."

"Sounds good to me." April said, "But wait, how are people supposed to not see me when you get in and out?"

Jett pulled into a gas station. "You can just squeeze yourself down below the dashboard, and I'll just open the door as wide as necessary."

April then took her seatbelt off, and Jett climbed over the armrest. She opened the door to where she could barely fit, then jumped out.

After filling the gas tank, Jett climbed back into her seat from the passenger's side. April situated herself, then they got back onto the road.

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Off in the distance, the White House stood elegantly just about thirteen miles away.

Jett spoke up, "There it is guys. We made it."

"Never thought I'd see the White House." April stated, her dark eyes drawn to the large structure.

Jett pulled into a parking lot for a hotel, an drove to the third level. She parked, and instructed, "Okay guys, this is what's gonna happen, we're going to sleep here for the night. In the morning, we're going to drive to the White House. In front of the gates, there's a pedestal for all of the Industries. On those pedestals, there's a button. We're going to press that button and, after they check the cameras and everything, they're going to let us in. Now, one of three things are going to happen, now listen up. Either one, we're going to get sent back to the Sanctuary. Two, we're going to get a new Leader. Or three, we're gonna get a new location someplace and, if they feel that we're all responsible enough, we can live on our own. Got it?"

Everybody looked at her, and nodded understandingly. Jett continued, "Now no matter what happens, we're still an Industry, right?"

"Right." The rest of the kids said.

'Geez, I feel like a mother talking to her children. It's awful.' Jett thought as everybody was handing out blankets, pillows, toothbrushes, toothpaste and water. Even though they were on a life-changing journey, dental hygiene is always important.

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That morning, the kids ate and planned. After about thirty minutes, Jett started the car, and with a yawn, drove out of the parking lot.

There was a parking area just before the gates. Jett and the other kids got out and stretched their legs. Marie almost fell from the misuse of her leg muscles.

"I have to pee." April whined.

"You always have to pee." Jett responded as they walked up to the many pedestals that decorated the gates.

Jett searched for their designated pedestal, but was soon interrupted by Jackson, "Found it!"

They all ran over to the curly-haired, and looked at their pedestal. It read, "The Vertigo Project" and had a gray "V" that was outlined in orange. A black button was positioned below it. Out of impulse, April pushed it.

An orange grid shone from a camera fixed about eight feet off the ground. It scanned them for about six seconds, then disappeared into the air around them.

The gates opened. Joseph said, "Guess that's our cue."

They all walked in together, scared of what was to come.

The eight kids approached the large, white building. The doors opened seemingly on their own. A chandelier hung on the ceiling, a red carpet laid out on the floor. The air smelled cool, not being scented with any specific odor.

The kids walked in, scared that they were doing something wrong. Then, a man showed up at the end of a hallway to their right.

"I see you are the children front the Vertigo Project." He said. The kids nodded. He continued, "Well, I am the person who started the Industries and Companies. My name is Mr. Genesis."

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Ooohh, Mr. Genesis. Wonder what's gonna happen next. Sorry the last chapter was so short, guys! I hope this makes up for it.

Thank you all for reading, hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night.
Trubberys, signing out.

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