Chapter 37 On the Road Again

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All of the kids didn't really have a problem with killing the Hybroid. Except for Jett.

"Why do you even care, Jett?" Jackson asked.

Jett responded, "Because this thing doesn't mean any harm to us! It's just an animal that's defending itself and doing what it was made to do!"

"But, it attacked us." Toby said.

"Um," Jett began, "If I'm not mistaken, you're the one who attacked first, Toby. Not the Hybroid."

"Yeah, but still," Akio began, "Does this Hybroid mean anything to us? If we want to get away from these crazy people, we need to kill it."

Jett thought for a second, then shouted, "And what if we don't kill the Hybroid?! What're you gonna do then?!"

The steel doors opened. Vyrus stood there, with Primzo at his side. The canine looked perfectly healthy, now.

The large man replied, "Then, you won't get Primzo back."

The Hybroid raised its head. It looked at Jett as if it were pleading.

"Come here, Primzo!" April quickly beat on her thighs, calling for the dog. Vyrus knew what she was doing.

Primzo began to walk over to them. But Vyrus grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. The dog struggled, and reached his head around to bite Vyrus. The man recoiled, and Primzo ran to the Vertigo Project. Vyrus rubbed his arm where Primzo had bitten him, which had begun to turn reddish-purple. He looked physically and emotionally hurt. Like his life-long friend had just left him.

"Fine," The muscular man said, "You can leave. We'll give you one of our SUVs. We don't really need it anyways." Vyrus then stormed away. April, Jackson and Joseph swore they had heard a sniffle come from the man as he walked away.

They all looked at the Hybroid, who was currently licking its wounds clean. It stopped, and looked at the kids. The animal blinked.

"I wonder if it can understand us." Heidi thought aloud. Akio, Marie, April and Joseph just looked at Heidi as if she just said the stupidest thing she'd ever said in her life. The Hybroid cocked its head.

Jett said, "Well, let's see. Hybroid, can you understand me?"

The guys snickered, Heidi retorted, "Don't mock me, Jett."

"I'm not," Jett said, "I'm being serious."

The animal looked at her, blinked. She asked another question, "Let's check its gender. Are you a male?"

The creature looked at her, stood up. "Are you a female?"

The Hybroid's pupils immensely widened. It began blinking faster than normal.

"I think that's a yes...?" Jett looked at her friends, whom were looking at her as if she was an idiot.

"Ooh! We should name her!" April blurted. The Hybroid's head drew back in surprise, looking at the shorter girl.

"HEY!!" Vyrus's voice boomed from the entrance to the arena, "Are you COMING or WHAT?!"

"We'll be there in a minute!" Heidi and April replied.

"We should name her Prizmo. Like, Primzo, but backwards." April suggested enthusiastically.

"And you thought I was the stupid one." Jett stated.

"We should name her like, Fluffy, or Mittens." Jackson said, making Akio, Jett, Joseph and Toby laugh hysterically.

"'Mittens'?!" Jett laughed. The Hybroid made a weird facial expression, making a squeaking noise.

"Oh my God!" April began cracking up, "Is she laughing?!"

Jett looked at the Hybroid, nodded, and began laughing even harder. Soon, the entire Vertigo Project was laughing. Except for Primzo, he was just sitting there, being a dog, doing dog things.

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Soon, the Vertigo Project was on the road again. They now had an even bigger SUV that had horrible mileage, but was significantly better than their last one.

One the way out of Cyborg City, that's what the kids decided to call it, they had found a trailer. This trailer had walls that enclosed the cargo that was placed on it. Their new addition to the team was okay with her new transportation. The kids made sure to thank the cyborgs multiple times, especially Vyrus.

They had decided to call the Hybroid Xeno. Xeno seemed like she didn't care either way if she were named or not. She's the first Hybroid to have ever been named something other than random numbers.

Vyrus had told them that the Hybroids were named things like "A-D-001" which meant Subject A in the D Sector, number 1. He had also told the kids that the reason he threatened to keep Primzo was because he used to have a German Shepherd named Manny. Manny had been killed by a Hybroid, and that's why Vyrus despised the animals so much. He didn't care about the Kodyadauri, DXM5, or the Polaridae. He just hated the Hybroids.

The Vertigo Project had found out that they were currently on the eastern part of Kentucky. After a few hours, they'd be in the very southern tip of Illinois, then finally Missouri.

This time, Jett made Toby drive. She was done with driving for the rest of the way home. He was very reluctant in doing so, but eventually gave in.

"What are we gonna do if Mr. Genesis's crew is there waiting for us?" April asked.

"We sic Xeno on 'em." Jett replied, looking out the window.

"You do realize that we might get arrested for that?" April asked.

"Yup." Jett replied, too tired to say anything else.

The sun had begun to set, and the kids all heard a clanging coming from behind them. Jett looked back. She saw Xeno trying to eat the trailer.

"Toby! Stop the car!" Jett ordered.

"Why?" Toby asked obliviously.

"Because the fucking world is ending, now stop the car!" Jett replied. Toby slammed on the brakes, which flung Primzo forwards.

Jett and the others jumped out of the car. She ran towards the back of the trailer, and opened the back up. Xeno was caught licking the metal.

"Is Xeno hungry?" Jett asked. The Hybroid looked at her in anticipation.

Jett thanked her lucky stars that there was a ton of shit just sitting in the back of the SUV. She threw the metal objects into the distance, and watched as Xeno chased after them. Kind of like a dog playing fetch.

They'd also let Primzo out. He'd chase Xeno, who would be chasing a random piece of metal. After Xeno would eat the scrap, Primzo would attempt to play with her. She would just ignore him and run back to Jett.

April and some of the others had tried throwing too. They thought watching Primzo chase Xeno while chasing a metal thing was rather entertaining.

After the dog and machine did their business, they put them back into their designated transportation areas, and continue their trip. To restart the entire Vertigo Project.

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Woooo, hi guys! THIS IS NOT THE END, I PROMISE. Once again, I'm SORRY IF THE SITUATIONS WEREN'T THAT GOOD. I think I'm getting sick AGAIN, which isn't helping my case.

Since my school year is coming to a close, I will be updating much more frequently.

Hope you like this story!
Trubberys, signing out.

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