Chapter 39 It's A New Day

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The Vertigo Project stood frozen in the doorway. They didn't know what to do, what to say. Until Akio spoke up.

"What is the purpose of the Depletion anyways?" He asked, stepping forwards, "We don't have a Leader, and we all get along just fine. There's no reason to put us back into it. What's the point? We've gotten this far, so why don't you just leave us alone?"

Mr. Genesis looked at the significantly shorter boy. "You can't live here until you get put into the Depletion. And that's final." The man suddenly reached behind him and pulled out a shiny black pistol. He pointed it at Akio, whom didn't flinch. He just glared at Mr. Genesis.

A sudden female voice spoke from behind the group, "Yes, they do."

Everybody turned and looked to see Moth, Denim, Vyrus and their crew. Xeno may have hated the cyborgs, but she didn't see them as a current threat.

"And who are you?" Mr. Genesis asked.

"I'm Moth, and this is my crew. Not that it's important." Moth motioned to all of the cyborgs behind her.

"How did you guys know we were out here?" Marie asked.

"My spidey-senses were tingling." Moth replied, winking.

Mr. Genesis became agitated, "Well let's not sit around here and chit-chat. Let's get these kids!"

About nine guards that were behind him sprung into action. They grabbed the kids, but didn't have a good grip for long. Xeno and Primzo knew what was up.

The two animals began attacking the government individuals. Not long after that, the cyborgs began to help. Soon, Toby was straddling a guy, punching him in the face. Jett threw multiple people against the wall, kicking them in the groin. Moth gripped two guys' heads and slammed them together.

After a few minutes, the Vertigo Project and the cyborgs had made Mr. Genesis and his crew retreat. They had parked their car in a ditch behind the Vertigo Project's home.

A few of the guys had mild concussions, and squashed nut sacks, but other than that, they just had bruises and broken knuckles. The cyborgs didn't really have any injuries. Except for Denim. Some guy punched her jaw clean off.

"Are you okay?" Jackson asked.

Denim picked up and snapped her jaw back into place. She nodded, "'Tis but a scratch."

Xeno and Primzo sat on the ground, both panting from the exertion.

"Thank you guys so much for helping us." Heidi said, rubbing her shoulder where somebody hit her.

"Oh, it was no problem, really," Moth replied, "In all honesty, we knew you guys were coming back from D.C.."

All of the kids looked at her in confusion. Moth continued, "Yeah, we could tell by your body language that you were pressed to get back home. Just another ability robotic eyes produce."

"Interesting." Jett muttered. She still didn't know how they knew to come to R-7, or even Missouri for that matter. They probably tracked them with their robot senses or something.

A few other cyborgs were climbing into the Vertigo Project's SUV.

"Hey! What're you doing?!" Toby shouted.

"We're helping you unpack!" The cyborgs responded, not bothering to look at the kids.

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The cyborgs had left, the kids were unpacked, and all was quiet. The kids didn't know what to do now. They had eaten, taken care of Xeno and Primzo, showered, and gotten dressed. Now all they needed was a job to do.

Jett said, "Tomorrow, we'll go get supplies for what we all need. Like monitors, computers, tools, etcetera. Right now, we just need to relax. I think we all lost a significant amount of weight along the journey. So all we need right now is to chill out."

The rest of the group nodded in agreement. They currently sat on the couch in front of the TV. The screen wasn't on, they just sat there because they wanted to. The only person missing was Jackson, who was exploring.

Said boy ran in the living room. He looked rather excited.

"April," He panted.

"What? What is it, Jackson?" April stood up at her mentioning.

"You need to come to the courtyard. It's a surprise." Jackson grabbed her arm, and took her to the courtyard. The others followed suit.

Down a hallway, up a lot of stairs, and down another hallway they went. Jackson opened the metal door to the outside.

There was a large tree that stood in the far right corner. A tire swing was attached to one of the low-hanging branches. Tall, concrete walls stood around about 500 square feet of land. A fountain stood in the very middle, spewing clear, clean water. A volleyball court was on the right, closer toward the building. A gray chest was erected next to the court, which held all of the volleyballs. Then there was a pool. The pool that April had been wanting for years. And she freaked.

"OH MY GOODNESS, GUYS!!" She exclaimed, running over to the clear water. There was another gray chest that they guessed held all of the pool equipment.

To the kids' surprise, April was so excited, she jumped into the pool. With all of her clothes on.

"What the hell, April?!" Jett shouted, running over to the brick patio. April's head bobbed above the water, her hair was ultra shiny from being wet.

"It's COLD as FUCK!! But it's WORTH IT, GUYS." April said, her voice taking on a lower tone, the cause being the lower temperature. Jett bent down to scold her friend, but didn't succeed. April pulled her in.

"Shit, April!" Jett exclaimed after grabbing onto the side of the pool. The others had caught on to the excitement. They had jumped into the pool as well.

Soon after, Primzo and Xeno had jumped in as well. Joseph hadn't shut the door.

"You guys are all idiots." Jett said, trying to climb out of the water. Every time she tried, somebody would pull her back in.

Joseph eventually had enough also. He successfully had snuck out of the pool. He helped Jett out, and the others.

"Y'know what we should do," Jett began, "Is figure out which rooms the guys and girls are staying in."

"I think we've already figured that out." Akio said. He then shoved Jett back into the water.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, AKIO?!?!?!" Jett shrieked, climbing out of the pool. The boy then ran, having an angry Jett chase after him.

"Run, dude, run!!" Toby encouraged Akio, running after the two. The others followed suit, Primzo barking.

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Hey guys. Sorry if this chapter was sucky. Just wanted to end it to where they were all happy. Also sorry if the song was too corny, I just thought it would fit the chapter. :P


But anyways, thanks for reading, Trubberys, signing out.

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