the songbird awakens

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My friends and I set the only water bucket precariously atop a rickety door where the victim would walk through. The bucket was filled to the brim with freezing water from the pump. The moment the door opened, the rusty bucket flipped and spilled water onto the girl underneath. Everyone started laughing at the comical sight. (Entertainment at the orphanage was rare, so no one wanted to snitch on a rare moment of fun)

Despite being drenched, the girl just walked it off as if nothing happened, surprisingly . Later that day,I can feel her staring directly at my back. (I felt slightly guilty for the prank- but since it was entertaining and harmless enough, it should be fine, right? right? )

Later that night the songbird awakens.

Where am I? I can't really see anything but I can sense, that I was in a place of sorts. It looked magical. A large pillar above me, it crushed down, my blood flowing onto the floor. I can hear someone screaming and crying in the distance. Odd this wasn't here before, I closed my eyes and let myself sleep.

Images began flashing through my mind, of planets creating. More, more, more and more began filling her mind. TOO MUCH, TOO MUCH, she began gasping for air. The black veil peeled revealing a field of flowers.

It felt like an eternity, nothing but me and a field of flowers, I can sense the soul of everything. In fact, this entire world is an illusion. A solid one, but an illusion nonetheless, I guess I'm in the Reverse side of the world, god I really hope I can do something else than make flower crowns for eternity.

Suddenly a book appeared, flipping open its pages the world was suddenly engulfed in white light.

I feel like someone is setting my brain on fire and pushing a bunch of needles into it at the exact same time. Which was not a nice feeling, I'm very tempted to smash my head against the wall and knock myself unconscious. But alas, that would only make it worse.

Wait a minute...wasn't I like dead a few moments ago. But I also woke up a few moments ago, so technically what happened. ( Cue internal screaming.)

Ok, what happened to get us here, so Illya died as a grail sacrifice. She saved Shirou in the process, I'm a magus and Einzbern homunculus. I'm also a 10-year-old called Fuyuto Chibana who loves games. You know what I'll deal with the mess called organizing my memories later.

With that consensus, I ran into the canteen after changing.

Last night it snowed, which is odd considering that it's spring and the fact Yokohama was known for its mild weather. Sadly this snow was the dirty ice kind, not the soft white kind.

The few we have classes were inside the orphanage, so we had some time before class starts at 8:45. We're encouraged to go to the library before class since there really isn't much you can do before class.

So here we are sitting on the dry roots of an old sakura tree since the orphanage director who dished out beatings on an almost regular basis was watching us. The orphanage director ( Who oddly reminds me of Kotomine. Which is never a good thing.) is the teacher here, which is a bad thing due to obvious reasons.( He only taught half the time the other half is trying to find reasons to punish us. This is definitely child abuse.)

This means I'm able to use this time to figure out my situation without being too suspicious.

So I was supposed to die and merge with the grail to grant a wish, I used that wish to save Shirou right? All I know is that my rebirth has something to do with the holy grail, since it's the only item that can cause something so reality-defying. This also wasn't the first time the grail would send someone to another reality. Ex: Miyu

Which leads to what to do, so I'm currently in an abusive orphanage that should have been shut down by now but since the police probably don't care or turned a blind eye to it. ( See this is why you shouldn't be an orphan, nobody gives a f*ck about you. Except for some of your friends you hopefully made by now.)

Which means I should relearn some of my more practical skills. Like hypnosis, structural analysis, alteration, and projection. My circuits are already open I checked earlier, due to Illya having them opened and our souls merging or something- I really don't know.

So one-

" It's time for class!" A loud shout interrupted my thought process signaling that it was time for class. Signalling my four long years at this sucky orphanage.

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