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[TEACHER TO ME] You can come in newbie. Why don't you introduce yourself?

Hello everyone, I'm Hannah.

Looking at everyone's face, made me feel so nervous.

I tried to keep it professional with a smile on my face, but I saw few faces laughing at me.

I couldn't bear seeing those ugly laughing faces.

I thought this small introduction made me let out a breath I was holding in for so long.

I *sighed*! OK, Hannah. I'm HARPER, Your form teacher and, your mathematics teacher.

You can go have your seat, Hannah.

I saw three desks being empty, there are four rows in a class with five desks in each row.

I didn't want to sit at the very last nor I wanted to sit front because I can't bear seeing these starring faces.

So, I sat at the last second desk, I heard the mumbling from behind me.

This made it even worse. I didn't know for what reason they were mumbling.

I just avoided them, and sat down.

ah! Where is this girl? I know you guys are wondering about the girl I'm looking for.

So, the girl I'm searching for is LEAH.

She is the daughter of my mom's friend.

She is the only one who is no stranger to me here.

She is also in a band called
"STARROCKZZ''. She is a bit of a tomboy.

I can't find her. And I can still feel these people around watching me. I avoided them normally.

But Mr. Harper didn't let that guy in. He told him to be out of the class.

As class started, it was so gripping, because it was algebra.

I know many people find it boring but, this class made me gripping because I was trying to avoid the people mumbling about me.

All of a sudden, I can hear the bell ring.

Mr. Harper left the class, with his book.

Classes went on.

[ In the evening] I found my way out of the class, these heavy traffic corridors, I hate it.

I'm so hungry.

On my way back home, I bought a Dr. Pepper; Cola flavored and a chicken sandwich.

Mmm! It's so damn good.

Taking a bite after bite. The perfect combination.

This is what you call, "HEAVEN IN YOUR MOUTH''.

I reached home.


I drank a cup of milk, I got a call on my phone, [ ring!!ring!!] it is Leah.

Finally, she is alive.I thought she is dead.

Picked up, HANNAHHHH! [Leah screaming on the phone].

Why are you screaming on the phone Leah?

[Leah talking] Hannah I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there for you on the very first day of your college.

I was busy. To make up to you. I'll pick you up tomorrow.

What do you say Hannah is that okay?

No thanks!

I'm fine without you. I didn't even care about you.

It's better if I can go alone, I don't want to take a burden.

Hannaahhh! I can hear Leah pleasing so hard.

Huh! Ok! fine. Come pick me up tomorrow.

And don't be late. OK?

Now good night. I got to sleep.

The Next day, instead of my mother's face I saw a new face.

It was Leah.

Hannah, it's me I told you I would pick you up.

Yeah, but it's too early dude. It's only 5:30 a.m.

You are either early or you don't come to college.

I Know, don't mention the obvious.

okay, I'll go get ready.

Don't be late Hannah.

I looked at her with a gaze as I turned back.

Look who is talking.

Pff! I *sighed*.

Leah was wearing, black skinny jeans, with a black sleeveless top, and a red check shirt around her waist, white shoes and a black cap.

I wore a white shirt and a whitish-grey sweater, black jeans and white shoes.

It's 6.00 am, I and Leah started going to college.

On the way, Leah didn't stop her blabbering about her band.

And her being busy. I wish I'd reach the college soon.

Finally, we are here in the college.

Hannah, where is your place? Leah asked.

This is my place behind yours [Me pointing at the last second desk].

What! you are joking, right?

I couldn't understand why she was so creepy asking that question.

I said yes, [ in a low voice].

Hannah, you are sitting in JAMES'S place.

James who?

I asked her in a confused way.

So, you don't know him? Do you? Leah asked.

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