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{James to me} It's okay I am here right don't worry. I'll hold you tight, okay?

I nodded saying okay.

Then he made me sit on the bench and bent down helped me with my skates.

He made sure it is tied tight.

Aww... I love this, I feel like I am Cinderella.

Then, he just pulled me inside the ice rink.

I am holding James's hands so tightly.

He is holding my both hands; he is standing in front of me.

We slowly started skating.

Why does the person whom I thought was a psycho, now the best person in my life, guess that's what you call it a destiny!

Some things in life come as a trouble but we never know that, that is itself a solution too [A small smile on the corner of my lips].

Whatever you call this is, I don't care as long as I am with him like this.

As always, shit happens.

As I am skating with him.

I lost the balance on the rink.

As I am about to fall.

He tried to pull me close to him but it didn't help.

I fell on him.

I know it hurts but he was just smiling and asking me if I am fine?

As I fell, my hair strand went inside my mouth.

I am trying to remove it but I am not able to because I am literally on James and these gloves are not helping me either.

Then I saw James's hand coming closer to my face.

He just helped me with my hair.

His index finger running through my forehead to my temple and to back of my ear.

He said, you are so beautiful.

Me starring at James's lips.

God! I cannot hold it anymore.

We starred for few seconds.

I want to feel his kiss so badly but I shouldn't do it because I don't want him to have a weird thought about me.

Looking at James's eyes, butterflies just hit me so hard inside my tummy.

So, I tried to avoid his sexy eyes which were calling me to get in deeper.

I tried to get up but I am not able to because I keep on slipping, I don't know what's wrong with these skates.

Then he just laughed and he got up first and held his hand out to pull me up.

I gave him my hands.

He pulled me up so hard.

His both hands were around my waist.

My left hand is holding James's right shoulder and my right hand is on James's chest.

Eyes opened wide, I am literally touching his chest.

I just hate my hand, Did I just squeezed his chest a bit to feel it?

Thinking about how hard his chest is, I wonder how his abs look like, and how sexy he might look if he is shirtless.

I already know but still.

Oh! no... Hannah... what are you thinking?

You really do have a crazy head.

Snap it (my thoughts).

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