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    I just looked at the starry sky and again looking at James.

    (My thoughts)
    "Dark days fade away,
    bright days come my way;
    My fear turns to courage,
    Those indifferences turned to love."

    This guy holding me, was once a guy whom I never wished to have met in my life, whom I hated the most, whom I cursed, whom I got suspended but never I had realized in my life that this guy would completely change my whole world.

A prince charming like him falling in love with a nerd girl like me.

    Who would have thought that. I was a girl who didn't had a word called "LOVE" in my dictionary, but when he came into my life this word "LOVE"  started appearing in my dictionary.

    This is like my wildest dream come true experience.

    (James looks at me and smiles)

    He is not the prince charming anymore who he once was because he is my king now, my only one.

    Me starring into his eyes and his lips. I leaned close to his face and kissed him.

    (Continues kissing intensely)

    I'm never ever going to leave this psycho, this is him, for whom I want to fight for the rest of my life.

    (After kiss) Looking at each other,
    (James) I LOVE YOU, Hannah.
    (Me) I LOVE YOU, James.
    Holding hands; starring at the sky.

    It's a promise made to each other no matter what ever it takes, we still find our way back to hold our hearts close like this.

    "Love is all about a fight, either we win together the fight or we lose together; anyways it is still our choice whether to win or lose."

    Well we chose to win together and we won. Well I don't know about other people's first love but I know that, "MY FIRST LOVE WILL BE MY LOVE TILL LAST."

    And this is how my "FIRST LOVE" Became my "BEST ALLY" Of my life.

    My high school love journey with James continues...

                       "THE END".

Thank you so much for being part of James's and Hannah’s journey.

   Their story ends here but not their love for eachother.☆

For all the people out there, love always wins no matter what happens when you stand to fight  for it.
    "Spread only love no hate".

         ☆WITH LOVE♡

   •●ELVI JOHN●•

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