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Leah do not put me in a puzzle, 0k!

I irritatingly asked her.

Suddenly, I could see people's faces around me changed.

I didn't know what made them change their face that way.

Then my eyes suddenly turned to see someone coming into the classroom.

Guess he is the tall guy that was standing next to me outside yesterday.

But I didn't know his name.

He is coming towards me. I think his desk is behind mine.

He is getting close to me. Leah all of a sudden, she started talking to this guy.

I heard her talking that, James so sorry she is new here.

I saw how hard he pushed Leah with his hand.

I wanted to hold her up. But this so-called James guy came so near to me.

He was so close that I could feel his breath only inches away.

He stared so hard that I could feel the chills under my spine but still, I tried to act as if I am not scared by his stare.

He then started talking. It was like a hard warning kind of whisper; it was so low.

All I could hear was him saying "YOU ARE IN MY PLACE".

Even though I'm having this heavy feeling inside me, that I can hear my heartbeat.

I asked him daringly.

This place is yours?


I don't think you own this desk, if you own this desk.

why don't you show me your name on it?

I know I pissed him off even more.

But I still tried to hold this attitude just to show him I'm not scared of him.

He then continued to lean towards me.

I can feel my body nearly resting on the desk.

His stare was so intense, that can give you nightmares at night.


As this staring contest is going on between us.

I could hear people mumbling. This made it even worse.

But thank God that Mr. Harper has entered the class.

His entry gave me freedom from his stare.

Finally, I let out the breath I was holding in.

Mr. Harper yelled; James why don't you just sit on the empty desk behind you, instead of making much trouble.

You don't want to get expelled right?

If I come to know that you are making trouble again.

I'll be the one to get you expelled from the college.

This saying from Mr. Harper made him leave and sit behind me.

Suddenly, I heard a loud thud from behind me.

I think he just threw his bag on the desk, because he is so pissed off.

I could still feel his cold stare, even if I'm not seeing it directly.

I heard Mr. Harper shout at him

[ JAMES!!].

Then Mr. Harper started the class.

I heard a dull voice from behind me from this monster James;



I was lost in the class.

I couldn't concentrate on the class.

I wish I was not in this class.

Then Leah gave me a small piece of paper something written on it.

It was written like this; Hannah, I'm so sorry I couldn't save you.

And why don't you change the place, it's for your good.

I'm scared that you will get hurt.

Reading this, made me even more irritated.

I crumpled the paper.

And I nodded NO! to her when she turned back.

Suddenly, she turned facing towards the front, as if she is being noticed by someone.

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