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I could feel my desk being shaken.

The hard kick on my desk below. Is troubling me

I tried to avoid it but, this idiot wouldn't keep quiet.

Now the kicking on my desk is becoming worse.

I turned back with an angry look on my face.

He just smirked.

As if he is enjoying what he is doing.

Hey you, are you not normal?

I asked him giving a glare.

He just gave me an intense stare as if he was going to hit me.

I told him if you are normal then why don't you put your legs in control?


I turned front.

After few minutes, he started doing it again.

I got up angrily from my desk by slamming the desk so hard with my right hand on it.

For a moment I forgot I was in a class.

Shit! What did I just do!

As I got up everyone started staring at me.

Mr. Harper was shocked by this sudden behavior change of mine.

He asked me, Hannah, what's wrong?

You alright?

Me; I showed James with my pointing finger told him.

Sir, this guy is disturbing.

Then James rose from his place and told Mr. Harper that he did nothing.

Me and James started arguing as if WWIII is about to happen.

Then Mr. Harper told both of us to get out of the class.

Sir! but he is the one who started it.

I told Mr. Harper but it was of no use.

I took my books and started walking out of the class.

Thinking that he'd become the next "HITLER'' to start the war.

I stood against the wall, out of the class.

He was standing the other corner of the wall.

I didn't even want to see his face.

But James opened his garbage mouth saying, "It's just the beginning''.

He told me with a creepy smirk on his face.

" HMMM!'' I just gave him this expression by looking at him from bottom to top.

Then there is this guy coming towards us.

Guess he is his Friend.

He was laughing at him as if he knew that he is always out of the class.

Then he started talking to me, oh! Hannah!

Why are you out with this guy?

Did he give you trouble?

I just nodded my head confused.

I am so confused about him knowing my name.


And how do you know my name? I asked him.

I know you.

Leah told me a lot about you.

I am still confused. how do you know Leah?

I asked him. But he was interrupted by James.

Hey Seth, don't you have class now?

why don't you get lost before you get a bleeding nose?

This Seth guy replied him.

Oh! ho! Really?

I don't think you want to kill your poor cousin just for this right?

what? Cousin?


They are quite opposite in behavior.


I am still in confusion.

Then I heard the bell ring [bring! bring!].

Finally, it's lunchtime.

I am having an urgent call from nature, but I couldn't leave just like that.

I am waiting for Mr. Harper to leave the class.

Then I saw Mr. Harper coming out.

He told me, I'm leaving you Hannah now if you cause any trouble in my class again, you will be suspended.

Got it?

I nodded my head saying, yes sir.

He then told James to go with Mr. Harper.

Thank God he is gone.

I am getting an urgent call from nature.

So, I rushed towards the washroom.

Finally, I finished the talk with nature.

It is lunchtime.

I found Leah on my way back to class.

I thought I will see that idiot's face.

But luckily, I didn't see him.

Leah and I went to buy some snacks. we bought chicken sandwiches.

I told Leah that I'm leaving home.

I already had enough for this day.

Then Leah agreed and told me, Hannah, I couldn't come with you because I have band practice.

I told her it's fine.

I can go alone.

Yeah sure, then be careful on your way back home Hannah.

I know I will.

Don't worry about me. Bye.

Ahhh! I'm so fucking tired.

Ah! Shit.

I forgot to ask Leah about Seth.

I'll ask tomorrow.

I'm so sleepy.

I slept for so long, I woke up at 8:00 pm.

It is dinner time.

I had my dinner. I ate sheet pan sausage and veggies.

I then decided to call Leah.

I am so curious to know about the Seth guy knowing me.

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