Oh im getting older to

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"Well, I've been afraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older too
Oh! I'm getting older too-landslide by Stevie nicks"

Rosemary's age:18
Rosemarys moving out and Wanda's sad cause her little girls moving out
(Wanda and her children live at avengers compound in this)
Wanda's pov:

Today the day I've been dreading ever since rosemary was born the day she moves out yes she only moving about ten minutes away from the compound and I have a key to her house but still she growing to fast.

I go to the kitchen to find all of my children in there sitting at the kitchen counter talking about who knows what "hi mom" all three of them say as they see my "hi sweetheart's what gotten all of you up so early I usually have drag you three out of bed" I ask "well it's a big day rose is moving out" tommy says "oh don't remind me I don't think I'm ready for her to leave" I say with some tears in my eyes as rose get up and come and hugs me "mom I'm only going to be ten minutes down the road you can come over whenever you want" she says "I know but your my child I don't want you to leave" I say starting to cry already

"The cry fest has already started she hasn't even left yet" tony says as he and pepper come into the kitchen "tony you know you if your child was moving out you would be crying before breakfast" pepper says lightly hitting him on the arm me Rose and the twins all laugh at the couple

Timeskip to Rosemary leaving

"Ok are you one hundred present sure you want to do this" I ask for the hundredth time "yes mom I'm sure. Im going to be find I'll call you if I need anything I'll visit you almost everyday ok" she says grabbing my hand "ok just be safe don't host anything big party's and if you ever want to stay with us you can okay" i say crying "I got it mom" she says hugging me "ok you got to go know before I make you stay" I say "ok bye mom" she says hugging me again "bye sweetheart heart" I say as she gets in her car and drives off

I go back into the compound in tears "mom your okay you still have us here" the twins say hugging me "I know it's just going to be weird without your sister" I say "it really is Im not going to be able to argue with her about everything anymore" tommy says "now that might be the one thing I'm not going to miss" I say as me and the twins laugh

After today there's one thing I now I definitely know I've never realized how much I've related to the lyrics to landslide so much
I don't know why but I just feel like after everything Wanda's been through she'd relate to landslide so much and also it one of my favorite songs

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