I want to be closer (EO)

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Just a little note I've changed Rosemary's name to Sophie just cause

Plot: Lizzie and Sophie have grown apart over the years as Lizzie takes more roles as Sophie's older also Robbie's on tour or something in this

Sophie's age:15

Nickname's: Soph(not sure if that's how it's spelled) hon honey

Sophie's dad: Robbie
Sophie's pov

From what dad tells me mom and I used to be very close I find that hard to believe as we are far from close now we don't argue or don't like each other we just aren't close.

Dads on tour right now so that leaves me and mom alone which is going to make it hard to make a conversation with her because dad usually starts conversations

Right now I'm just in my room listening to some music and drawing when I heard mom yell from downstairs "Sophie dinners ready"
"Coming mom(not in that way you dirty fucker)" I yell back

"Yes pasta" I say as I get downstairs

Me and mom both sit at the table I see mom's trying to find a conversation starter "Um so soph how's school" she asks "good I got an 97 present on my art project" I say with a bit of pride in my voice mom smiles and says "that amazing hon" "so how's work any new role offers" I ask "yeah some " she says

Once we both finish dinner I go upstairs to my room close my door and get into some pajamas and pick to watch a movie

About halfway through the movie I get a text from this girl I really like and start smiling like a psycho mom comes into my room "hey hon just checking your sti- what's got you smiling so much" she says "oh hey mom nothing nothing" I say as I throw my phone on my bedside table "soph i'm your mom I know it not 'nothing'" she says putting doing air quotes when she said nothing she comes and sits on the end of my bed "you can tell me we might not be that close but that doesn't mean you can't tell me things" she says "oh it's a crush isn't it" she says I blush but try to hide it by putting my head into my pillow "so it is a crush" she says and you can practically hear her smile she comes up the bed to sit by me and moves the hair out of my face "you don't have to be embarrassed honey I'm just messing with you but I say you tell me about this crush of yours" she says I smile it kind of feels like I'm a kid again telling mom about my crush having a conversation that we started between ourselves

I'm now in moms arms cuddling into her as I tell her that it wouldn't work out between me and my crush cause she has a boyfriend

Lizzie's pov

Me and Sophie have been cuddling for a few minutes in silence in till I break the silence "you know I've missed being close to you I think I've been doing to much and not spending enough time with you I'm sorry" I tell because I'm these few minutes I've released I haven't been spending enough time with Sophie "I've missed it to mom you kind of been really busy and when your not I just don't know what to or how to talk to you or ask if you want to do something with me" she admits "oh sweetie I'm sorry I just wanted to give you more space as you got older maybe to much space" I say hugging her even tighter "you kind of do give to much space" she says "oh do you want me to become one of those moms that makes you have your door open at all times and look through your phone and room every day" I joke she laughs and says "no don't be one of those moms" we both laugh "ok how about we go for a drive and get some ice cream or something and go to that spot you used to like" I suggest "the park with the lake and fairy lights" she asks "yes that park" i say "okay just let me get into something else" she says every exactly I laugh and leave the room and go downstairs and wait for her

When she comes down she practically jumps down the stairs and almost falls on her face i laugh at her "okay mom come on" she says jumping up and down grabbing my arm pulling me "okay okay just let me grab my purse and keys" I say laughing at her

Once we start the car I ask her if she wants the aux cord to play some music she says yes and I'm quite impressed with her music taste she has a good mix of genes of music from all different decades

Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass

When we get home it's already 10pm and we're both now very tired "I'm tired I'm going to bed now night mom" soph says as she gives me a hug "ok night honey I'm glad we're becoming close again" I say hugging her back and kissing her forehead "I'm glad we are to night" she says "night sweetie"

Now that I've released how much I've missed out on with my family I called my manager and told them that I was going to take a little break from acting and was only going to do roles I can take Sophie and Robbie with me to

I also texted Robbie telling home all about how me and soph are becoming close again he's happy that we are

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